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Jay joined the rest of the nfd units and other drones, who were heading into the city and getting ready to fight the rouge Blitzer unit.
Once near it, Jay could see that some buildings have been hit with projectiles and were now burning. Though, they looked immense to have been hit by something normal. Smoke rose up from the fires, lowering visibility by a bit. On the outskirts of the city, some passenger and transit vehicles were seen driving at full speed away from the center of the city. A few of them, surely, must be his father and others from the facility that were among them.
Up ahead were the sounds of weapons discharging towards the air, seeming to be soldiers and other nfd units trying to hit their target. The sound continued until a large red ball of energy discharged from a high place towards the ground. This caused a massive explosion that sent building pieces, metal poles, and cars flying through the air. Jay and the other arriving nfd units dispersed throughout several locations near the site where the fighting was continuing. On the smoke-covered ground, Jay made his way through the streets by running in order to gradually and carefully approach the area of battle.
Right at that moment, the sound of firing weapons ceased before stopping completely.
[That's strange. What happened?] Jay wondered. A strange feeling that something frightening was lurking around creeped up Jay's scales and body. This caused his helmet visor to cover his face up and activate his presence radar. The radar showed a concentration of unstable energy going around, making Jay keep a close lookout for anything.
Suddenly, the radar alerted that something had let out an energy-type fire. Jay wasted no time and blasted aside, using his rocket feet to evade, as a red laser pierced through the smoke above. The laser hit the place where Jay once stood and made the ground explode.

[That was close!] Jay thought, only to be interrupted by another alarm. This one sensed another thing incoming, this time a solid object. Jay rotated around as he hovered and looked back. A huge metal building rail was flying towards him at high speed. On instinct, Jay pulled out his sword and lifted it in front to slice it. From behind it, Jay realized with a start who was the one who had thrown him the metal rail.

It was the rouge Blitzer nfd unit. Looking more different and at the same time menacing.

Jay had no time to react as he noticed the rogue unit preparing a charged punch and then hitting Jay square in his chest. The strong hit sent Jay crashing down onto the ground and across the street, slamming onto the concrete and some vehicles along the way.
[Owww....now that REALLY hurt.] Jay groaned internally as he slowly tried getting up from the ground and looking up. The rouge Blitzer nfd was hovering in the air, looking down at Jay with its brightly lit red eyes.
["TARGET ACQUIRED. ELIMINATING TARGET.] the unit said with a frighteningly distorted voice, moving its hand and aiming its laser cannon straight down at Jay. The system inside Jay locked on to the unit once it saw the unit aiming at him, but Jay refused to attack back.
"Wait! Why are you targeting me? And why are you destroying things? Aren't you a military machine, supposed to protect people?" Jay called out to the Blitzer nfd as he stood up again, visor disengaging from his face. The rouge unit responded by charging up again and firing a powerful laser down. Jay yelped and sprinted aside as the laser cut through the ground and blew up a wall of explosions.
[Come on. Focus on getting to know what's making him go bad.] Jay thought to himself as he hid behind a toppled car. Peeking out from the side, he looked up as his visor covered his face once again. The system sensed a huge amount —no, a torrent— of negative energy emanating from the Blitzer nfd. So much, that he began to feel frightened again as he felt exactly what the unstable radiating energy meant. It was a combination of anger, rage, and fury. Just like when it was first seen on the screens.
"Please! Can we just talk this out for a moment? I REALLY don't want to fight you!" Jay called out to the Blitzer nfd, but I'd did not reply at all.
Now the rouge Blitzer nfd unit began to charge up again. Red flickers or electricity emanated from its chest and hands as its energy levels spiked all over. The ground and buildings began to shake, then the glass windows exploded as they shattered into small pieces all around. The walls of the buildings crumbled and out of them emerged several metal railings, each covered with red negative energy. The Blitzer unit was using some sort of magnetic energy to pull out the rails out of the buildings' structures. The rails then slowly moved through the air and floated around the rouge unit, tilting down towards the ground.
Jay realized with a start that it was about to use them as piercing spears.
[You're kidding.] Jay groaned in nervousness as he looked up from where he was hiding. With a quick forward movement of one hand, the rouge Blitzer nfd sent the various metal rods and rails down like a rain of arrows. Jay yelped, dove to the side, and ran all around as he looked back to avoid getting pierced by the huge pieces of metal. Smoke and dust spread around the street as Jay tried fleeing the downpour of destruction, only to get swatted by one railing that came whizzing downwards. Jay jumped aside and flew up to avoid the hit, but then the Blitzer unit seemed to have appeared instantly from where it was hovering to where Jay was flying. The rouge unit, it seemed, has developed the ability to accelerate quickly. With one charged punch, the rouge Blitzer nfd punched Jay again. This sent him flying and crashing into a store.
[Alright. That does it.] Jay thought with frustration. He got up from where he landed and looked up at the outside, his visor turning to a different mode.


The rouge Blitzer nfd was outside, hovering down to see where Jay was inside the building store. Just as it was scanning midway through with its eyes, something bursted out of the store with an explosion of dust following behind. The rouge unit had no time to register what was happening when something bright blue and fast came zooming towards him and gave it a powerful uppercut on the face. The Blitzer nfd was sent flying off, but it quickly recovered from the hit as it stopped to hover and looked down with an angry glare. It was instantly interrupted when several reactive bullets hit the back of its wings, which bounced off of the surface. The rouge Blitzer nfd let out an angry mechanical growl and looked in front.
It was Jay as he flew quickly around and stopped to hover, looking up at the Blitzer nfd as his covered face, arms, legs, and tail had bright blue arrow-like stripes flowing across them.
"Sorry. But I'm afraid that I must take you down to stop you from continuing to destroy things. And hurt others." Jay said, his visor system locked onto the rouge unit.
The Blitzer nfd let out a loud roar as it charged its energy up before flying at Jay. He, on the other hand, responded similarly as he increased his rocket feet and back engine thrust as he flew towards the Blitzer nfd to clash.

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