Chapter 10

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The sound of knocking from the other side of the door wakes me. Bringing the back of my hand up, I rub my eyes as I yawn aloud.

A nurse enters a second later, a food tray in hand as she crosses the room, placing it on a nearby table. Looking around the room, I take in my surroundings. My eyes drop at the sensation of sheets against my bare skin. I was still in my jeans from yesterday when I went to sleep. I didn't change overnight.

My brows tug tight as I look at the nurse. "I'm sorry."

My eyes close, head tilting to the side as I bring my hand up once more to rub the sleep from them. "How have I changed? What happened to my clothes?"

She gives me a soft smile, placing my food tray down on a table before she drops her head and responds. "After you went to bed, the Doctor requested someone from your squad to bring you back new clean clothing to leave in. Your Captain returned with what you're wearing in hand. He kicked everyone out of the room. He never left your side all night. They had to bring two trays in for dinner. I think he was waiting for you to wake, but you never did. Must have needed the rest."

I run my tongue over the back of my teeth as I give her a slight nod. Great, I'm sure the doctor was able to put two and two together. I was just thankful that he had half the mind to keep his opinion to himself. So, Levi changed me himself? Had he noticed the bruises from all those weeks ago?

I shake my head. Even if he had, they are easily mistaken for the same ones I'd receive in training. He probably didn't think twice about it.

She gives me a nod before turning and making her way out of the room once more.

An hour after noon, I am in the hall, making my way to the Commander's office. It was around lunchtime, others would be gathering in the Mess hall. I would have the privacy I needed for this conversation.

Bringing the back of my hand up, my knuckles connect with the door. I stand there for a second before I bow my head, my brows tugging together as I balance my weight back and forth on my feet. "Come in."

The metal clicks as I open the door, turning to close it behind me. There's an eerie silence that hangs in the room before a voice not belonging to the Commander cuts through it like a blade. "So, you're awake?"

Every hair on my body stands tall as goosebumps engulf every inch of my skin. Turning around, I meet Levi's eyes as I stand frozen in place an inch away from the door. His jaw sets, palms resting flat on the Commander's desk before he pushes himself up from it to stand. A pen goes rolling across the wood and paperwork that he had been looking at. His eyes never leave mine as he rounds the desk, leaning back into it as he crosses his arms over his chest.

I gulp, swallowing hard as I clear my throat. "Yeah, this morning."

His eyes break away, my own watching his Adam's apple bob up and down as he looks down at the ground. His jaw ticks, the corner of his eyes creasing as he takes in my answer. In some ways, it seemed to almost frustrate him.

He swallows once more before dragging his eyes up to meet my own. They lock on me, darkening. "That's... That's good."

I look away, breaking eye contact as I nod back. "Yeah.. The nurses..."

I stop mid-sentence as I hear the floorboard in front of me creak. I feel him before I see him. His hand captures my chin, pulling my face up for him to study as he turns it from side to side. His eyes scan over my pale skin, a tint of blush flushing my cheeks. His eyes glide down to my lips, lingering there before they slowly drag back up to meet my own.

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