Chapter 21

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Levi steps down from the carriage, straightening his uniform as he runs his hands down the front of it. He wore his long green Scout's jacket, black slacks underneath, with his boots.

He looks from side to side before turning back to meet my eyes, extending his hand to help guide me down.

I swallow, not hesitating to take it. I swore, if he left my side, I'd run for the hills.

I hated that we were here.

His hand closes around mine, coming down between the two of us as he reaches up with his free hand to loosen his tie.

I lean in, whispering as I keep my eyes forward, feeling his thumb stroke the back of my hand.

"Shouldn't we not be holding hands? I don't want the other Captains to think—"

"Y/N, you are the mother of my child. You aren't some fling; you should know this by now."

Pushing the doors open, he releases my hand to allow me to walk in first. The moment I clear the doorway, my hand is reaching back out for his.

He grins, taking mine in his, knowing how nervous I already was.

"It would be disrespectful for me to deny you, nor would I ever want to."

My mouth closes, not having anything to say back to him.

"Unfortunately, this will be an all-day event."

We walk through another set of doors, Levi guiding me the entire way.

"I know, I just want this to be over."

I had so much I wanted to say, so much I had prepared to say. But none of that seemed to matter anymore. I just wanted to go back to the base.

"I won't be able to stay with you through the trial. I will be present among the other Captains and Commanders in the Military branches. Today is about stripping them of all titles. Next is charging them."

Levi reassures me as we make our way into a courtroom.

Hundreds of people sat within the chairs, most of them in military uniform. All three branches had managed to make it to this hearing.

Pulling me off to the side, Levi brings his hand up to brush a piece of hair back behind my ear.

"Look at me."

My eyes wander for another second before my face is turned in his direction. His thumb digs into my chin as he holds it in place.

"You are going to do great. Just tell them what happened, tell them the truth."

My eyes linger on his before I nod once.

Leaning in, his lips meet mine, holding my chin.

Someone gasps off to the side before Levi pulls away, releasing my chin.

"I will be only a few feet away, watching you."

I nod once, feeling everyone's eyes on us from around the room.

Stepping back, Levi gives me a soft smile before turning and making his way up to the Captain's chairs. Taking a seat directly beside Hange and Erwin, he doesn't concern himself with sitting with the others of his ranking.

Making my way to an open row of seats, I find one off to the side and hidden. I'd remain here until called upon to speak.

Hours had passed and the only thing the other Captains had managed to do was paint me in the light of the villain.

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