Chapter 39

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The sound of blood curdling screams echoed through the corders. All the cadets were painfully aware of what was going on down in the dungeon.
Levi and Hange had disappeared down the stairway over two hours ago.

The sight of Levis back was all I could see along with his apron. He was pulling his gloves on tightly looking forward to the two men who were tightly bounded to chairs. As Levi reached out to grab ahold of old blood stained pliers, Hanges apologetic face was the last thing I saw as she closed the door with a click. The screaming almost immediately started after.

That had been two hours ago. I didn't even want to think about the pain Levi must of be inflicting for them to be crying out like that. Honestly I was just surprised they lasted this long even in between breaks. Levi was clearly not giving it his all.

"What possible reason could he have to hold back? And better yet how was he going to explain this one to Erwin?" Levi logic was clearly clouded. Thinking to yourself as you paced back and forth in Levis office.

Kaneki had been asleep in the bed since his father placed him there. He fell asleep shortly after we left the underground. Not wanting to wake him you found your way into Levis office. As you continued to pace. The sound of the door opening snapped you back to reality.

It was Levi. His apron was covered in blood. He had removed his gloves but everything else was the same.

Crossing the room in only a few strides I place myself in front of Levis way. He was clearly headed to get cleaned up. But I needed answers.

Reaching out I grab ahold of Levis arms. Levi quickly breaks free and side steps me to continue past. Without giving me a second glance.

"Levi! Why? Why go easy on them? If your going to get in trouble why even care?" Immediately regretting it the second it left your lips.

It came out a little to aggressive to be directed at Levi. Smacking your hand over your lips in attempt to stop you from saying anything else that may get you in trouble.

Levi stops in his tracks the second my words meet his ear. It almost looked like he was moving in slow motion as he turned his body back to face me. His face was completely drained of life not a sign of compassion anywhere to be seen.

"Care!.... care Y/N?!" Levi voice raised to a level you had no yet ever heard.

"I'm down there ripping nails out of fingers and teeth out of gums because I care! They raped you and beat my son. I'm not not going easy on them Y/N. I'm making the last few hours that they are able endure the most gut wrenching torture one could ever imagine!" Levi was in front of me in a second.
Moving my hand out of his way his cool fingers griped my chin roughly forcing me to look upwards into his eyes before he continued.

"Both of your attackers have ties into the underground prostitution trade. One that the military branches have actively been working towards busting. Not am I only getting my own satisfaction out of torturing these sick fucks but I'm able to pull critical information out of them in the process. And that's exactly what Erwin will say when the case is presented. That is, only if they make it that far." Levi finishes still holding tight onto my chin not allowing my gaze to drop from his.

"I.... I didn't know. I'm sorry. After seeing Kaneki the way he was... I don't ever want any of them to see daylight again." The words almost come out as a mumble as you stare right back into Levi cool eyes.

Levis grip completely drops from me leaving my skin cold and longing for his touch. He was already in the bathroom cleaning himself up. Walking backing into the office having removed his bloody clothing.

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