Chapter 122/ Levi POV/ Gracie POV/ Y/N POV

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*flashback to the conversation with Gracie outside of the tea shop.*

Levi POV

I could tell Gracie could tell my patience was wearing thin. My fingers were drumming against my forearm as I had them crossed over my chest, drumming my foot on the pavement as I looked past Gracies head to find Y/N.

She put her hair up, she never put her hair up. She used to in the scouts and it would drive me crazy, but it was a rarity now, one I was dying to see.

I was anxious to get back inside to lay my eyes on her. Let my mind run free with all the different lewd acts I wanted to do to her, say to her.

That smug little assholes look didn't go unnoticed though, that's what was really getting to me. I didn't like leaving Y/N alone looking so.... mouthwatering, I knew any man with a brain could tell she was a catch. One I wanted to lock her away out of sight forever. I hated the looks, I absolutely hated them.

I was having a hard time keeping my dick at bay. I was seconds from catching a hard on, I just didn't want Gracie to get the wrong idea. This was most definitely not for her, something about Y/N lately had been getting to me.

Maybe it was the lack of her over the past few years or maybe I was unknowingly trying to make up for that. But I couldn't even look another woman's way, not that I ever did before, but usually I can appreciate a beautiful person. Y/N was all I could see now, she was blinding me.

I only came out here because Y/N insisted, I couldn't give two fucks as to what Gracie had to say, not after her last stunt at the tea shop.

She had disrespected Y/N and my family, she was dead to me now. Just a bad fuck from the past that wouldn't stop coming back. She was like a bad habit I couldn't quite kick or get rid of.

A disease.

"Levi you aren't even looking at me! Hello!" Gracie brought her hand up to snap in front of my eyes, but I just squinted and looked past them to locate my wife. I had lost sight of her as I was deep in thought.

I needed to have eyes on her always.

Where is she?

I stepped to the side bringing my hand out to push Gracie to the side and out of the way, peaking my head around the corner and into the window.

Ahh there she was, and sure as shit that little brat was hot on her tail.

He had his had on hers looking at her wedding ring, our wedding ring. Something I got her to symbolize what she meant to me, and how deep my love ran for her. How dare he taint it with his grubby hands. I liked touching it, knowing she was wearing it..That wasn't what angered me the most though it was his hand on hers. He was touching her skin.

That just simply would not do.

"Levi I'm serious!! If your not going to listen to me then come by tonight when you aren't as distracted by.... that." Gracie scrunched her nose up in disgust like she had just smelt something rancid, as her eyes followed mine.

Locking onto Y/N she could tell she stood no chance, I checked out of the conversation the second we stepped outside and I could no longer hear Y/N or see her. That became my entire focus now.

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