Chapter 69

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The pain was excruciating, entirely out of this world. A pain I wouldn't wish on my own worst enemy.

I had faded into absolute nothingness. Floating in a pool of darkness.

I could hear the screams and cries coming from the nearby people.

Where was Sasha? And why couldn't I hear her? Was she hurt as badly as I was? Was she in this much pain?

"Oh god no Y/N!" A voice I once used to seek comfort in was screaming bloody murder at me now.

I couldn't see anything, I could just hear.

Feeling a pair of strong hands wrap around my torso and pull me in, I'm almost instantly more relaxed in the warmth.

"No, no, no, please baby no." I could feel hot droplets falling on my face. I could only assume they belonged to him.

He was finally here, by my side.

"The blood! There's so much blood, HANGE!!!!!" It was definitely Levis voice. His stern voice was hard to miss.


"I'm here Y/N, right here!" I could feel myself being tugged in closer.

"So... s... tired." I wasn't even sure if my voice was getting through.

"You have to stay awake Y/N." I could feel a few light slaps come to my cold cheek, but it was no good I was drifting.

Why is everyone so upset? Everyone's crying, I can hear them. I'm.... I'm just so tired. I need to sleep.

I felt Levis rough calloused hand connect with my cheek one last time before I gave in.

"Hange you have to do something not her too!" I could faintly make out Connie and Jeans cries. They sounded so close yet so far away.

"SHUT UP! All of you! She's going to be just fine right Hange? NOW HELP US OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Levis commanding tone pierced my ears. I could feel a set of 4 separate hands on me as I was lifted and placed down onto a softer surface.

"I need everyone out! Especially you Levi!" I could feel Hanges hands works vigorously at my stomach, ripping my shirt wide open leaving my chest fully exposed.

"And how exactly do you plan on making me do that? I'm not going anywhere!" I could feel my body being yanked upwards as Levi worked on ridding me of the bloodied torn shirt, replacing it with his. I knew it was his solely based off of the clean tea smell. It was warm just like him.

"Levi if... if what he said is true. There's not even the slightest chance, the bullet went clean through. The child probably won-"

"I don't want to hear about that... that THING! Just please save my wife Hange." And in that very second a sharp pain in my stomach caused me to loose whatever awareness i had left, slipping back into the pool of darkness.


Opening my eyes, i was awake. Well at least somewhat awake.

I was still laying in that same pool of dark nothingness.

Unable to move any part of my body, I focused my eyes above me.

I didn't even know what I was looking at. Everything was just dark. It was almost like being stuck at sea in the middle of the night with nothing to keep you afloat. Truly terrifying.

"Why does mommy look like that?" I could hear him. My sweet angel, but yet he was so far away.

I could make out the faint sound of someone planting a kiss onto another.

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