Chapter 132/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

I slammed my head back into the barn repeatedly. Stomping my foot into the ground as my head rolled to the side watching my very pregnant wife...or... it didn't matter what we were anymore.

I hurt her again, during the worst possible time. I'm just so tired of being selfish, she needs her peace.

She's blinded by a love I can't see, I'm the only one seeing clearly. Obviously she would be upset, she had more to remember and dwell over then me.

I reached into my coat pocket, the same one laying on the ground beside me. Pulling a cigar out and a box of matches.

I only smoked when I felt stressed. And lately that had been happening a lot.

I placed the cigar between my lips bringing the lit match up to the end. Cupping my hands around it, I take a few puffs making sure it's lit before putting out the match.

I inhaled hard and deep. Filling my lungs with this poison. Anything to take the edge off.

I tossed my head back once more slamming it hard as I looked up at the stars.

"Maybe in another life, maybe we would work...... So fucking close, I got close. I know I did, so fucking close." My eyes fluttered shut as I brought the cigar back up to my lips.

My head came forward as I pulled the cigar, feeling a little light headed now. I looked to the side once more, I knew she was somewhere in that building in pain.

I hung my head between my knees.

"I nearly had it all...." My eyes were open, staring at the ground as my fingers drummed against my knee.

I took one last drag before dropping the cigar on the ground below my boot.

"I love her, I must. What the fuck am I doing?" I was on my feet before I could finish my sentence.

Kicking in door after door looking for her. I didn't know where she was, where  she ran off to but I'd find her.

"Y/N!!!" It came out a little to aggressive. I knew that's probably why she didn't respond, I turned the corner, taking the stairs 2 at a time to see a small sliver of light underneath a door down the hallway.

I quickly made my way down the dark hall.

"Y/N, love." I called out against the door again but nothing.

I heard water running, looking up I can see it's the woman's restroom.

Fuck it, it wasn't like anyone was here anyways.

I pushed the door open, almost to hard. I heard it smack against the wall as I made my way into the bathroom.

I pushed a few stalls open before Y/N had pulled the door open just in time to meet my face in one.

She had a napkin in her hand, eyes puffy and red. A hand on her belly rubbing it as she muffled her cries.

She looked shocked, stunned maybe. Probably because I followed her into a bathroom.

She looked so upset, it was all because of me. I hurt her, again. How many times did that make now?

My hands were around her waist pulling her out of the stall and into my arms. I could feel her trembling, she was fighting back her sobs.

We were back in the dark hall before she could register that her feet were off the ground.

"Just put me down... please." She was whimpering, lips trembling as her eyes continued to water.

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