Chapter 108/ Levi POV

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Authors note: I was contemplating giving you guys a heads up because if you know my writing you know I hate spoilers but I feel as if this requires me to. The following chapter will hold some heavy shit, and some heavy content. If self harm is something you know you can't handle please refrain from reading, I apologize if that upsets anyone but this is my story and you all knew what you were getting into when you read it. So I apologize again if that upsets anyone. Also sorry for any grammar/spelling errors! I think I caught them all, but I'm not perfect.


I let out a sigh as I took in the sunset. It was beautiful, this world and everyone in it.

I had both of my arms back behind me propping myself up as I sat on the soft grass outside of our cabin.

I like privacy so when we came home I got us a cabin outside of the city, I liked the way it was.... just us.

"Mom? Both of the girls already ate, and Maya seems to be doing better... talk to me.. what are you thinking, you know you can tell me mom." Kaneki was standing behind me.

I could tell he was worried, he still looked like the same frightened child to me, despite his man appearance.

I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath.

"I'm fine Kaneki, really.. you shouldn't worry about me... not with Maya being as sick as she is, besides..that was so long ago.. I'm surprised he even remembered me, forget it won't ya? It's not a big deal." I was doing my best to down play the situation. Make it out to be less then it really was. Even though inside I was absolutely crushed.

In reality that had been my breaking point. I had said that so many times in the past, truly not knowing the weight that it held. But I knew it now, and I meant it.

Kaneki didn't need to worry himself any further with me, that's all he had done for the past 6 years. He had no time to be a kid, or have fun. He went straight to adulthood.

"Mom don't lie to me, I can tell you've been crying.. mom.....he's .. he's no good! He didn't deserve you then and doesn't deserve you now. We are better off without such a burden." Kaneki dropped down into a crouch, bringing his hand up to my back to stroke it.

I allowed him to do so as I leaned my head further back to meet his eyes.

"Kaneki... I'm to old for all of this... none of that concerns me anymore. I don't care, you shouldn't either." A half hearted smile tugged at my lips. I was doing my best to put on a show.

"You did your best, you know that right?" He came to sit beside me, hanging his arms over his knees as he looked out into the sunset with me.

A playful smile tugged at my lips, I brought a hand up to shove him away.

"Stop that, I'm the parent not you. You don't need to try to comfort me, that's my job. I'm fine. Kaneki I'm tr-"

"But your not though, I can tell. We all could, even he could. It's obvious mom.... he broke you again." I turned my head to meet his, so our eyes could meet.

"Maybe that's what it looked like to you but I can assure you I'm more then fine. Kaneki... please don't worry about me. You already have far enough to worry about." I brought my hand up to stroke his cheek lightly.

"I'm not buying it, not even for a second. I have my eye on you." Kaneki pushed himself up. Bringing his hands to his pants to dust off the dirt that had collected.

"I'm always watching mom." Kaneki mumbled before turning away and heading back inside.


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