Chapter 92/ Levi POV

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Authors note: Sorry I saw this photo the other day and could NOT stop laughing. Anyways enjoy .



3 and a half months later

"Common Hange it's been like 3 months please! I'm dying here!" I was begging her, knuckles white from squeezing hard as I followed her through the busy corredor's.

"Mmmmmmhhhmmm and is it you that is dying or the one between your legs?" Hange raised a eyebrow at me in a playful manner as a sadistic grin tugged at her lips. She looked down hinting at the never ending throb between my thighs.

It was true I was pent up, and due for a release at any time. It literally felt like I could explode at any second. Levi nor I could ever last a mere day before we were tearing at one another's clothes. But that wasn't what mattered to me. It was the furthest thing really.

I had only gotten a few letters here and there from Levi. I was receiving much less letters coming back then going out, he was becoming short in his writings. It made me nervous, maybe... maybe his time spent with Zeke was truly getting to him. He didn't sound like himself anymore, even for being in letters. Maybe Zeke was making him not want me anymore... maybe I was gross in his eyes for allowing what happened to happen.

"Hange! Don't even start with me please!!! You know I've been working hard at this, I.....I.. I need to see him... things aren't the same, please Hange." I felt desperate, begging for something that shouldn't even require a fight. But it did and I couldn't help but feel that it was mainly from my part.

Hange came to a sudden stop, planting her feet deeply into the ground, releasing a heaving sigh.

"Y/N, you do realize the entire purpose of this mission is to secure Zeke, we have a solid set of soldiers on constant patrol. If..Y/N, if I sent you in, it would just be disrupting the order put into place.... Not even taking into account the past history you have with the prisoner." Hange hesitated over her words carful not to say something that may offend me.

"Please Hange send me along with the next batch of food and supplies, I'll happily deliver them. Give the the other men the time off, I'll go by myself." Bringing both of my hands up in front of me in a praying form.

"I... I was already doing that.. but I have to send a certain cadet out with this supply wagon... Levi's orders." Hange was treading lightly with the words she used, carful not to give anything away.

"Levi wants a certain cadet? Who Hange? He's... he's not requesting that she goes ou-

"No don't be ridiculous Y/N. Levi would never do that, he actually requested that Michaelson delivers the next wagon and stays behind alone while the other cadet brings the wagon back." Hange had put the key into her door, turning the knob as she unlocked it.

"Michaelson but they hate one another. Why would be want to be stuck with him out there?" Genuinely confused, I rub the bridge of my nose.

"It's not that he wants him there it's that Levi dosnt want with you and the kids. He actually wants him much further away, but Levi has requested since he is not here to watch over you all that I eliminate the threat all together by sending it out there to watch over Zeke along side him." Hange set the papers down on her desk, as she pulled her chair out to take a seat.

It was all making sense now.

"I.. I see, and when did this request come in?" Questioning Hange.

"Two days ago, he sent it along with the supply list." Hange was still looking down at the papers, unaware that she had just given Levi away.

"He hasn't wrote me in 3 weeks.. but he can write you?" My voice dropped as I said the words out loud, releasing a sigh afterwards.

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