Chapter 119/ Levi POV

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Authors note: Hello lovelies, I just like to drop in and give a space for discussion. Are you guys liking the longer chapters? I figured I'd just give it to you all at once instead of making you wait hours in between. Off topic, I've been seeing a few of you reading/voting/commenting on my other story. Sorry I went MIA on that one. I WILL pick it back up again, but for right now it's on hold, this story is my baby and it requires a lot of attention. I don't want to risk messing up timelines or forgetting important stuff, I still have a lot id like to do with this book before I end it so bare with me.This chapter is gonna be a cute one, I hope I can fix some of the emotional trauma I've inflicted with this, I know this story has been a heartbreaker. I like to give you all some lovin before I inflict pain, so enjoy.🤫😂😉 ALSO sorry for any spelling or grammar errors, I always re read the chapters like 5 times over before I publish, and for some reason they all stick out like sore thumbs after the fact. Thank you guys for always being so sweet about it . I definitely listened to Turning page by Sydney Rose while writing the last part, ugh she got me in my feeeeeeeels.🤍🤍


Levi POV

"Renew our vows? What do you mean? We are already married, we've spoken our vows, made promise-

I brought my finger up to her lips silencing her before my lips met hers.

I wanted to feel and taste her, I couldn't get enough of her then and I still couldn't now. She was intoxicating.

I pulled back resting my forehead against hers as I spoke, looking deep into her eyes. I wanted her to hear me and hear me good.

"That was then, and this is now. Things have changed the circumstances have.... we have..I want to re write them. I want you to know how much you mean to me Y/N. How much I missed you, how much I longed to feel your touch... your warmth, just to know you were alive and breathing. I want it fresh in your mind so you never forget." I brought my lips to hers once more before I dropped my hand from her face. Turning back around to focus on the task at hand.

"Levi... I'm nervous... you make me nervous." Y/N almost whispered. I couldn't help myself but to laugh. It sounded completely absurd. Me, the father of our children and husband makes her nervous. Yeah right.

"I'm serious!" She crossed her arms as her eyes narrowed on mine, oh she was serious.

"Nervous, about what? What do you have to be nervous about?" I shook my head in confusion as I my eyebrows tugged together.

She dropped her arms, bringing one hand up to rub her forearm nervously as she looked around the room, anywhere but into my eyes.

"Uhhhh uhmmm you know, performing. I don't want to mess up in front of you, stumble over my words. Levi you fail to remember you were my Captain before anything... I aim to please when it comes to you. The first time was hard eno-

"Nervous huh... Y/N you realize I watched Rize's birth right? We are as close as it gets. There's no other level then that. And I'm the furthest thing from your Captain now. I'm your husband, that father to our children." My lip tugged upwards into a playful grin, I wanted to ease the tension. It made me upset that I made her so nervous. That was never my intention, I only ever wanted her to be completely at peace when she was around me.

I watched her face flush bright red as she dropped her gaze.

"Not by my choice though, I didn't want you to see me like that." Her eyes locked onto the wall beside us, still not wanting to meet my eyes.

My hand came out, wrapping around her jaw just to tug it my way. I wanted her to see me.

"Y/N if I had it my way I would have watched all 3 of their births, they are apart of me after all. Anything to be there for you, to comfort you. Rize's birth was a hard but a beautiful thing. I wouldn't want to miss it for the world, none of theirs. I beat myself up everyday for missing the other twos." I leaned in planting a soft kiss on the top of her nose.

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