Chapter 68/ Levi POV

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shooting a hook out into the building next to me I make for the plaza.

Even as I fly through the air I can feel Zekes rumbling all the way through my cables.

It was him, he was here.

Eren had already located the War Hammer's main body and was now in mid transformation by the time I made it to them. Ripping the War Hammers body clean out from the ground it reveals a woman crystallized much like Annie. Eren wastes no time attempting to take bite right out of the Crystal. Resulting in his Titans teeth shattering instantly.

Zekes boulder chunks collided with the building right above my head.

"How about a rematch Levi? Come on your running out of time. Don't you want to find out what happened to your precious Y/N?" Zeke was taunting us all now, but especially Levi.

Throwing another round of boulder chunks im forced to take cover in a building. A ginormous explosion shortly follows.

"The colossal Titan, shit." I yell out to no one in particular.

Hearing Mikasa wires take off I know she's headed after the Jaw Titan. Shooting one of my hooks in her direction I look to the side just in time.

Levi had come up behind Zeke cutting his nape clean open. The entire plaza shook as Zekes body came in contact with the ground.

I could see the pure rage filled in Levis eyes. They were almost unrecognizable. Completely white, I had never seen him like this before even with David.

Zekes body laid limplessly beneath Levi as he landed on his head. Throwing one of his blades into Zekes face I see him pull out a grenade.

He looks up momentarily. Our eyes lock instantly as I fly through the air after Mikasa. Before I could register what he was thinking he had pulled the trigger to the grenade.

Zekes nape exploded instantly.

"NOOOOOO!" I didn't even realize it was me who was screaming. I instantly shot a hook into a building near Zekes body.

Colliding with Mikasa, she clings tightly to me as she yanks me along with her.

"We can't! We must help Eren!" She argues back to me.

"No!!! Let go you don't understand that's my husb-"

"Captain Levi is a skilled soldier. Have faith in him Y/N." Mikasa grip tightened around my waist as I allowed her to pull me along with her.

"Fire hurry!!!!!!!!" Jean voice boomed all around us.

As cart Titan body went up in a sudden explosion.


Levi POV

Watching the jaw Titan fight with Eren, my thoughts ran wild after the sight of Y/N.

She was here, she had been here all along. And worst of all, Zeke knew about it.

"Just what did he do to you Y/N?" Speaking to myself. I knew these things would have to wait until later. Securing the War Hammer was top priority.

Out of the corner of my eye I see two flashes of black hair.

"I should have known she wouldn't stay out of this fight, is she really going to attempt to back up mikasa?" Drawing my blades I watch as Y/N and Mikasa make there way to the jaw Titan and Eren.

In that very second Mikasa makes contact, the jaw Titan clawed at Eren. Hitting the Crystallized War Hammer. Time seems to stand still as everyone watches the claws of the jaw Titan pierce through the crystal of the War Hammer.

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