Chapter 49

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The air was cold tonight. I wasn't really thinking when I decided to head out into the forest in just a tank top and my scouting jeans and boots. I really self sabotaged myself on this one.

I could feel my body violently shake against Levis muscular frame. As he quickly maneuvered through the trees.

I could feel one of his free arms come back up to snake around my back resting gently on my spine. I feel the pad of his fingers come in contact with my back as he lightly strokes them up and down my spine.

Only worsening my condition my teeth begin to rattle in his ear. I dig my face deeper into his neck in effort to hide my obnoxious teeth chattering.

I feel us abruptly come to a stop. Bringing my head up from Levis neck I look over his shoulder to see us high in the air. His legs were planted firmly on a tree branch.

Feeling his other hand snake up into my hair and then to the side of my face I can't help but to begin shaking again as he pulls himself back to meet my gaze.

"Your a absolute mess Y/N." Rubbing his tumb back and forth against my cheek and he releases it quickly to undo the tie to his scouts cape. Bringing it around he wraps me up in it tightly pulling the hood over my head and then fastening the strings.

His hands quickly found both sides of my cheeks again pulling my tear stained face back up to his.

"A beautiful mess though. And one that's all mine." Pulling my forehead to his lips he allows his lips to linger there for awhile before pulling away.

I had never felt anything quite like this. I didn't even know where to begin. Every cell in my body was yearning for him. Screaming out for him. His touch. His smell. His lips. Everything...... was this why we were married? All these thoughts flash through
My mind in a matter of a few seconds.

And then I'm back to where I started completely flustered and lost. I didn't know who I was. Who he was. What this was. What it used to be.

He must have seen the uncertainty in my face because he read me like a book.

"I don't.... Levi I'm just so confused. I want to remember but I... I ..I just shoot blanks every time I try." Tears begin to run down my face again.

Finally allowing my eyes to meet his once again I look up. He was studying me hard. Not a ounce of emotion to be seen in his face. He was unreadable.

The back of his split knuckles come up to wipe away my never ending tears. As he begins to lower the both of us into the seating position on the tree branch still holding up mine and his weight.

After we were safely seated he brings one of his hands down in between us to my stomach.
Looking back up to me he raises a single eyebrow, it almost looked like he was asking for permission.

I shook my head allowing him access. His cool finger tips tug gently at the seam of my shirt bring it up just above my belly button. As his hand lays over my lower half completely covering my entire belly with his hand.

It almost felt like my heart was going to bust right out of my chest but I somehow find the courage to look up and meet his needy eyes.

My face instantly blushes the second my eyes come in contact with his godly like features. He's clenched jaw and pale skin. He was sculpted like a painting. And his eyes held their own story.

He quickly picks up on why I'm blushing to only worsen my current state by rubbing small circles against my stomach. He clearly knew my body like the back of his hand. Knew exactly what to touch and what look to give. I was wrapped around his finger.

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