Chapter 123/ Levi POV

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Authors note: hey my favorite slores😘 here's your annual reminder. This is my story so I'll be tweaking stuff and changing plots to fit to my story better, I understand in the Manga Eren set it up to protect everyone from war for years to come but that's just not the case here. I have plans for the story so I need certain events to happen for those things to play out right. So sorry but if you know me you know I love causing you guys pain. 🤌🏻🤷🏻‍♀️😂 once again I can't stop staring at this fan art. Do I want to know what those speech bubbles translate to? Most definitely, will I ever find out? Probably not 😂


The night was beginning to die down. I was starting to sober up as well as I sat on Levis lap. He wrapped his jacket around me, covering my figure almost completely.

His hand on my back, stroking it gently as his knuckles brushed up against my soft skin. We were sitting with the others around the table. It just seemed to be some of the old squad.

Levi leaned in and whispered into my ear just low enough for me to hear.

"You know... this was the table we were sitting at when you put me inside of you, using me to fuck yourself in front of all these people." His hand found my panties from over my dress pulling at them to give them a gentle snap.

I couldn't help but to  turn around and roll my eyes, he was definitely not trying to start something right now of all times.

I pulled my eyes back to the group looking everyone over once again. Everyone looked older, wiser.

Mikasa even managed to show. It was lovely seeing her, she looked... better. As good as one could be for what she had been through.

She was a beautiful soul to me, someone who never deserved to be forced into such a cruel role. I could never even to begin to think... that I could ever experience anything like her pain. Even when I thought Levi was gone it wasn't done by my hand.

I knew she was in pain, only putting up a front for the others. I could see right through her act. My attention was pulled away as Connie set his beer down onto the table slamming it a little louder then necessary.

"So what do you think Kaneki, you ready to fill your old mans shoes?" I felt Levi tense up beneath me as I caught Kaneki doing the same out of the corner of my eye as the words left Connies mouth, they were both staring wide eyed back at him. Right then and there he knew he had fucked up.

"Fill Levis shoes? Why would that ever be ne-

"It's not, he was just joking mom. Drunk talk between the guys, forge-

"Because Kaneki is being drafted into the war." Annie cut Connie off as the table grew silent. I heard Levi release a heavy sigh behind me.

Jean came stumbling in from outside, bloody and bruised. Mikasa took it as her out, excusing herself from the argument I was sure would follow.

She crossed the room bringing her hand to Jeans back, guiding him out of the Mess hall. I'm sure he'd be well taken care of, Mikasa was a kind person.

"Like hell he is, we paid our dues." It was true I knew there was talk of war, some of the remaining nations outside of Paradis wanted to retaliate for Erens actions. But he had taken out most of the population outside of us devils, really. I didn't think we'd have to worry about another war for a long time.

"Good going genius, I knew you would be the one to blow it." Kaneki balled up a used napkin tossing it at Connies head from across the table.

My eyes gaped wide staring at my son from across the table. Levi's hands only tightened around my waist as I felt his fingertips stroke my arm in attempt to calm me.

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