Chapter 98/ Levi POV

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I had hidden Levi next to some tall grass and leaves. Pulling my shirt fully off leaving me exposed in a sports bra I quickly wrap up Levis bleeding face. He was still unconscious. Whatever happened must have been bad.

I heard a gun shot and then Hanges foot steps as she quickly made her way back over to us.

"That's the last of them, they are all gone." 

She quickly put together a fire, running back to her horse to grab some medical supplies.

She had laid out a blanket for Levi to lay on.

"Hange he's gonna be okay, Right? He can't die yet. Kaneki and Rize, she's still so small. They need their father, I can't raise them on my ow-

"Despite his injuries I'd like to say he'll be fine...He's Ackerman after all. I doubt this will be the thing to take him down.

She had pulled some thread and a needle. Quickly going to work on Levi's face. Closing off the open wound that now covered 90% of his face.

"He's going to make it Y/N try to calm yourself." She looked over to me for a brief moment, meeting my eyes as she gave me a reassuring nod. I could see that she was in deep concentration, little droplets of sweat were beading down her face as she worked quickly on closing his wounds.

"Oh. Oh god Hange, where are the kids? What happ-

"When Zeke screamed, everyone inside the town felt a jolt of electricity. Thankfully the kids were near me, neither of them experience a similar reaction. It must be their fathers Ackerman blood, it cancels out whatever yours is." She was securing the last few stitches on his lip.

"That must be one of the key factors as to why your clan was eliminated. When conceiving with a Ackerman it cancels out the royal families ties, they have no control over your offspring. I can see why they were frustrated.....Do not worry about them, I relocated them north of The walls, secure in a cabin surrounded by my loyalties men, they will not be touched." Hange had reached down, grabbing onto his right hand.

"There's not much to work with here but I'll do my best to close them off." She already had another thread and needle, pushing it through his raw flesh on his finger tips, pulling the open skin closed.

"Thank god for the Ackerman bloodline.. I ... if they would have faced the same fate I had.. I'm not sure me or Levi would be able to carry on in this battle.... Thank you Hange.. I truly appreciate you, you've come to be much like family to us, Kaneki even calls you his aunt. And Levi....I know he'd never admit it, but he cares deeply for you." Both of our eyes panned over to the side, landing on the sleeping Captain. Hange gave me a nod to agree, she already knew this. I didn't need to tell her.

"What do you think happened?" Dropping down into a crouch and then onto my knees I lay down beside Levi, hanging half of my body off the blanket into the grass. I just wanted to be near him after all that. My hand comes down, intertwining our fingers with his good hand.

I gave him a gentle squeeze. I knew he was asleep but I wanted him to know he wasn't alone. Even in his most vulnerable form, I'd always be by his side. Protecting him from anyone who wishes him harm, forever.


Levi POV

She was so beautiful, the way she nervously hid behind her hair. Standing behind the other cadets, cowering in line. She was doing absolutely everything to hide herself from me, but why?

Our eyes met, for just a short moment but when they did I knew she felt it to, it felt as if I had been punched in the gut. All air knocked clean out of me, she quite literally took my breath away. Our eyes were drawn to one another. I couldn't keep them off of her.

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