Chapter 127/ Levi POV/ Y/N POV/ Kaneki POV/ Maya POV

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Authors note: Shorter chapter, just wrapping some things up. Getting some things in line. 🤔🤫 🤔🤐

Levi POV

"Daddy?" I was asleep, well I thought I was. I knew that voice, it was Kuchels.

I was still in a slumber when I felt Y/N begin to move over me.

My hand came out locking around her head to push it down to my chest.

I took a deep breath in.

"Go back to bed love, I got this." I slowly opened my eyes to see the ceiling as I leaned down to kiss Y/N's head. I grabbed the blankets pulling them closer to her as I looked to the side.

Kuchel was in tears. Holding her stuffed animal as she cried.

I felt bad for not responding earlier.

My hands came out wrapping around her tiny body pulling her in as she sobbed into my chest, waking her mother up in the process.

"Hey, what's going on? Are you okay?" I pulled back to get a better look at her, she was rubbing her eyes with her small hands, hyperventilating.

"Da..daddy I had a bad dream." She continued to cry between words as I heard Y/N sigh behind me.
Kou was at the end of our bed in his crib, I needed to calm Kuchel before she woke him up.

"Come here, you can sleep with us tonight." I pulled her over my body so she was laying between me and Y/N.

Panic shot through Y/N as she stared back at me.

I squinted my eyes at her not understanding what she was getting at.

The sheets were clean, we bathed...

Oh shit.

I leaned over grabbing my shirt off the ground to hand to her. She was naked still, I left her that way on purpose. I planned on fucking her at least one more time before sunrise. But that was quickly put aside for this.

I rolled back to grab ahold of Kuchel, hugging her so Y/N could quickly slip into my shirt.

My hand came up to Kuchels hair stroking it gently to comfort her as she slowly stopped crying.

When I was confident she was okay I pulled back.

"Bad dream? What about?" I asked as I watched Y/N try to keep herself awake. Her head kept nodding off to the side.

She was so funny and cute at the same time. I leaned in bringing my lips to hers as I bit down on her bottom one.

"Sleep well, love." I mumbled in her ear, kissing the side of her sleeping face as Kuchel continued to ramble on about a boogie man in the woods outside her window.

"There's no boogie man around here, and even if there were. I'd kill it." I winked at Kuchel as I watched her settle back into sleep. I extended my arm out. Grabbing ahold of Y/N to pull her sleeping body closer.

Kuchel was between us so I couldn't hold her tonight, so I'd settle for having her near me. I wanted to be touching always.

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