Chapter 78/ Levi POV

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Authors note: Reminder my Levi simps, I mentioned adding more time to my story in the "Marley arc" well this is what I was talking about. For obvious reasons I can't Send Levi away yet to go to the woods with Zeke, so for now he's just remaining locked up. I will touch on that later. Also this is what I meant to when I said there are still Titans beyond the walls. I'm using the time they spent eliminating them for Y/N to ride out her pregnancy. Enjoy ! Remember to vote and comment🤍🤍🤍
......................................................................Levi POV

Running my finger tips up and down Y/N's back I can feel her body tense up as my fingers meet the sensitive areas of her back.

I had taken her two more times after I finished her off on the couch. I almost felt bad for poor Kaneki, I hoped to god he wasn't a light sleeper because his mother was the very definition of loud. If he hadn't heard her already, he soon would. It was inevitable.

She laid naked, chest pressed to my ribs as she had her leg hung over my groin. I could hear her humming as I continued to stroke her back. Bringing my lips down to her forehead and then to her shoulder I let them linger there.

I finally felt........okay with Y/N. Her and our child were back in my arms, safe. She spoke about wanting stability. I wasn't sure myself what that meant. I don't think either of us really found that in one another, our marriage had been packed full of ups and downs. One traumatic experience after another. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I just wanted us to be happy, and... relaxed? Things had slowed down in the war against Marley. It opened my eyes to the possibilities I had left with Y/N. Me and Y/N we bound to die young. It was only fair, in our line of work people like us... well we don't last long.

I wanted to leave this world knowing there was as much of Y/N and I out there as possible. I wanted our legacy to live on. I never wanted her to completely vanish from this world. Planting a series of kisses to her collar bone I pull her in as she groans.

She pulls herself up on my chest, bringing her index finger down she tickles my chest. Looking back up I find her big green eyes peering into mine already.

She had something to ask, I knew her all to well.

"What is it?" I mumble low enough for her to hear but not loud enough for Kaneki to wake up. Bringing my hand up to fix her hair, as some of it had fallen into her field of vision.

She hesitates for a moment, was she contemplating her words? Was she scared to ask me something?

She takes a deep breath.

"You said you already knew about Michaelson, I don't mean to bring that up at a time such as this but... I am his captain.....Levi if you hurt him or threatened him you know I'll have to take act-" tugging at her chin I bring her lips to mine.

I couldn't help myself, it was taking every ounce of my being not to roll her over onto her stomach right now and take her from behind. Shoving her face into the pillows so Kaneki cant hear his poor mother scream out as I rearrange her insides.

Allowing my lips to fight against hers for a few more moments I pull back. Never letting go of her chin. I tug at it once to pull her attention upwards so she was looking straight into my eyes and I leaned my forehead into hers.

"I spoke with him before coming to you. He filled me in on...errrr.....the activities shared." My eyes automatically squinted at the very sound of my own voice mentioning them being together.

I took a deep breath in to calm myself. I was still very much pleased in the fact that Y/N had gone untouched in the sense of sex. But on the other hand it infuriated me to no end thinking about any other man down in between her legs, anyone else that is but me. Looking at how wet she gets, how her pale olive skin around her wetness flushes light pink when she's aroused. He had to have noticed it, it was one of my favorite parts. Him looking at her with those eyes, looking at what's mine.

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