Chapter 52

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There wasn't much I remembered after blacking out. I remember the feeling of my body rattling around on the hard surface of wood. And the faint sound of Levis voice as he yelled commands to others I supposed were surrounding me.

I remember opening my eyes for a brief moment long enough to see the cool blue hint of the night sky as my eyes tried focus on the blurs of light were the stars in the night sky.

Just long enough to see Jean worried eyes meet with mine. I felt his fingers dig deep into my palm as he broke my gaze to look forward.

"Cap! She's waking up!" Feeling my head slam into the wood above me as the wagon I was being pulled in comes to a sudden halt.

"Dammit Kirstein your completely useless!" My vision begins to blur again as I drift back and forth between the realm of sleep and consciousness.

Levi worried faced comes into my view as he practically shoves Jean out of the wagon so he is able to squat down next to me. Pulling  me into his lap as his free hand quickly comes up to rub gentle circles onto my head from where it had smacked into the wood.

He looked tired, sick and hungry. I knew this look all to well and what it entailed. He wasn't taking care of himself and that much was clear. The dark circles that normally outlined his eyes had almost doubled in size. His cheek bones were slightly sunken in. He wasn't eating or sleeping. This wasn't good.

"Y/N can you hear me? Hang in there a litt..." Levi's lips were moving but I was no longer able to hear him as I felt my eyes slowly flutter closed. Feeling Levis cool lips brushing over my forehead was the last thing I remembered as I drifted deeper into my sleep.


When I finally manage to come to I awoke in a dark hospital bed to the faint sound of beeping coming from the machine next to me. I had a needle stuck deep in my arm connected to a bag of fluids hanging above me.

Bringing my hand up to my face I pinch the bridge of my nose tightly in between two fingers. As I let a sigh of frustration out.

Opening my eyes again I look down at my small stomach. Bringing my free hand up to my lower abdomen I cling tight to it. I was still to early on in the pregnancy to really be showing but the small baby bump was still there.

The sound of the door slamming open into the wall causes me to peel my eyes from my belly and to the person who was practically tripping over themself in the doorway.

It was Hange.

"Oh good Y/N your finally awake! How are you feeling?!" She quickly makes it across the room to my beside.

Practically climbing into the bed with me she used the bed to climb up on to check the fluids in the bag that hung above my head.

"Excellent." She mumbles to herself. She carelessly climbs down from my bed. Her knee hitting my face in the process.

"Fuck Hange!" Pushing her knee from my face she stumbles back off the bed slamming into the ground with a grunt.

"Ha sorry Y/N lost my footing a little there. Anyways how are you feeling?" Pulling herself up off the ground she brings her hands up to brush off the non existent dirt on her jacket.

"Fine. A little bit of a headache now but just a little sore. How is my baby? Where Levi?" Squinting my eyes tightly closed as I bring up a hand to rub my head from where her knee had connected.

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