Chapter 35

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We woke to loud pounding from the other end of the door. Due to the activities that you and Levi partook in last night you barley were able to get but a few hours of rest in before the sun started to peak.

The sound of someone's fist coming in contact with the door even harder then before was enough to bring Levi out of his dead slumber.

Rolling onto your back you can see Levi slowly pulling himself together from his comatose state as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He pushes himself up and out of the bed allowing the white sheets that were covering himself fall down past his hips and back onto the bed.

Two loud bangs come from your door once again followed by Captain Whites voice.

"Cadet! It is well past day break!" Whites fist come in contact with the door again.

Kaneki begins to stir awake from the loud banging. Reaching down you cover Kaneki back up as Levi makes it to the door only in his boxers. His hair was still messy from last. I wasn't able to see it last night but I must have done much more to him during sex then I remember because Levis neck was covered in love bites. It must have been from the time earlier in his office. I was quite rough with him then.

One more loud bang comes from the other side of the door causing Kaneki to wake up entirely from his sleep.

Levis swings open the bedroom door before Whites hand is able to come in contact with the door again. Standing in only his boxers Levi glares up at White.

Captain White was holding his fist up in the air about to knock again. His eyes immediately shot wide open at the site of Levis half naked body. White eyes quickly do a one over of Levi before locking onto his neck staring at the purple bite marks you had left scattered all the way from his neck to his chest. He begins to stutter over his next words.

"Ca... Captain Ackerman my apologies I was looking for my ca.."Levi cut him off before he's able to finish.

"Looking for my wife? Not only have you managed  to disturb my rest but you have also woken up my son and wife on our day off." Levi begins to say but suddenly comes to a stop when he sees that White was no longer looking at Levi but past him.

Realizing that the only thing I was wearing was Levis button up I quickly look down to see that his shirt is hitched up over my thigh showing a little to much leg and ass.

Quickly reaching down to cover myself with the sheet I hear White swallow the spit that was forming in his mouth. He was really fighting to pull his eyes from me but was unsuccessful.

Levi catches on quickly looking back following Whites gaze. All the way past him until his eyes land on my very exposed legs as he watched me fumble with his shirt to keep it closed from Whites prying eyes.

Before White was able to defend himself Levis hand had already found its way into Whites hair, bringing his face down to meet Levis knee that was coming full force at Whites jaw. Connecting with a loud crack White stumbles back into the hallway landing on his ass. Levi pulls the door a little more closed so you were no longer in view.

"How are you that dense White? Staring at a exposed woman, a married one at the very least?" Levi begins to step forward towards White.

"No not at all Sir ... I ... I just wasn't aware that Y/N had any visitors. I.. I.... I was just coming to deliver a message." White was reaching out at the wall to steady himself as his other hand came up to rub the side of his now throbbing jaw.

"I don't remember it being the Captains role to insert themselves into their squads personal life's. Y/N and I have our son that stays with us. I suggest you think long and hard before you consider coming to our chambers again waking up our son. What message could you possibly have for Y/N that could not wait until breakfast?" Levi's jaw clenches as his grip tightens around the door knob looking back up at White through the few strands of hair that had fallen into his face.

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