Chapter 14

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My words hang heavy in the air, neither one of us speaking for a minute. My eyes find Levi, but his are on the ground. Resting his chin between his thumb and index finger, he closes his eyes as he steadies his breathing. I take a step forward just as he begins to speak.

"The night I came to the infirmary ward to clean you up and change you after that idiot kicked you in the stomach..."

He looks up, meeting my eyes as he leans himself into the counter behind him. His hands fist the edges as his knuckles go white.

"I found bite marks all over you. Between your thighs..."

He looks away, jaw flexing again as he pushes past.

"I figured you had been with another man, that you were still angry with me."

His eyes meet mine as he finishes his thought.

"I thought it was Kirstein."

Shaking his head, he looks away as he speaks under his breath.

"The beating I gave him."

He runs his hand down his face before looking back up to me.

"They were faded but still. It was enough to warrant me to look over every inch of your body. You were so bruised..."

I swallow again, as Levi shakes his head, pushing himself from the counter to stand before me. His hands find my face, holding it between them. Shock crosses my face, I'm sure. If he tracked it, he didn't lead on.

"Are you okay?"

He looks at Kaneki's closed door.

"Is he okay?"

I must have frozen up because he had pulled my face to his. Resting his forehead to mine as he whispered my name. I blink, clearing my mind.

"Yes, yes, we are both fine."

I breathe in, taking in his scent. It's like a walk down memory lane. Nothing had changed. He was a little older, his figure had filled out more. He had lost any traces of the young man he once was. All that was left was hard, relentless steel.

I step into him. My hand came up to rest against his chest. His eyes track the movement, glancing down between t-he two of us. Air hisses between his teeth as he breathes in sharply. My hand meets its mark, resting above his heart as I feel it begin to race. I look down at where my hand laid flat before looking back up at him. He matches stroke for stroke, not daring to be the first to look away.

My hand slowly begins to trail down his stomach before he has me pinned to the nearest wall. Legs spread as he steps between. His lips found my neck, one hand kneading my breasts as the other pulled me closer by the hip.

It takes him under a minute to find the sensitive spot behind my ear, breathing on it as he kisses and nibbles on my lobe. My hands find his hair, wrapping my fingers through the coarse strands and pulling. He hisses through his teeth, pinning me to the wall with his hips as he reaches down, undoing the button on my jeans before his hand is down my pants, knuckles brushing over my clit.

"Where's your bedroom-"

A knock at the door cuts him off. One hand in his hair and the other clawing at his shoulder as I peer around him. His lips graze over my neck as he groans, a single finger running along my entrance.

"Send them away or ignore them, I don't care, just don't make me stop."

My nails dig into his shoulder as he kisses up along my jaw, a moan building in my throat as he pushes a single finger into my entrance. His lips meet mine as another groan leaves his.

Another knock comes from the door before I am able to gain some self-control back and tear myself away from him. Buttoning the front of my jeans, I look back over my shoulder to find Levi licking his fingers. I shake my head, looking back at the door as I slowly open it.

Michaelson's face lights up just as quickly as it drops when he sees Levi standing a few feet behind me. Probably still with a shit-eating grin on his face. Flowers. He had flowers. My eyes look back and forth between his eyes and the flowers as I open my mouth.

"I wanted to stop by, check on you and the kiddo."

His eyes look back behind me as he speaks.

"I wanted to apologize for today. You were counting on me, and I let you down. I wanted to show you how serious I am and how sorry I was."

My mouth closes as he looks back down at me, eyes roaming down to my jeans. My eyes follow.

My shirt, it was completely pulled out from where it had been tucked in. I quickly turn back around, taking the flowers as I fix myself. Walking past Levi, I open up a cabinet for a vase.

The floorboards creak as I fill the glass with water. Kaneki's door opens as he runs back through the entryway to Levi. Turning around, I watch as Kaneki wraps his arms around his father's leg, smiling up at Michealson who only stood a foot or two away now.

Levi had approached him.

"Are you going to stay with mommy again?"

My body freezes as I watch Levi visibly stiffen. Michaelson chokes on his words as he looks over to me for guidance. He could tell there was something between Levi and me, if Kaneki wasn't enough.

Levi's head cocks to the side slightly as he looks down at his son.

"Does Cadet Michaelson come here often Kaneki?"

Levi crouches down to Kaneki's level, resting a hand on his back, talking to him as if neither of us were here.

"I don't think so, no, but sometimes I wake up and he's leaving mommy's room."

Levi's knuckles pop as he stands up glaring at Michaelson before Kaneki takes off to my side of the house.

"So not only do you follow orders like shit, you also seduce your superiors."


I speak up, hoping to get his attention as I set the flowers down on the counter.


Kaneki pulls on my jeans as I watch Levi begin to speak again. Unable to hear anything, I quickly lean down and hand Kaneki a toy before making my way back around the counter and across the room to the entryway, catching the end of their conversation.

Neither one of them speak as I come to stand at Levi's side.

The air was thick, full or pure rage.

"Are we alright here?"

Looking back and forth between the two, Michelson is the first to break.

Nodding at Levi as he raises a brow.

Something had been said. I just didn't know what.

Levi takes a step forward, closing the door as Michaelson opens his mouth to speak to me. 

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