Chapter 110/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

This didn't feel right, it felt uncomfortable and unnatural. It's like I didn't even know how to act around my own flesh and blood.... Kaneki was a stranger and I hated that.

We had been walking for quite some time, I guess Y/N liked her privacy because she picked on of the most remote cabins around town, no wonder I hadn't run into them yet.


"Kuchel, my youngest sister... Mom always said you loved that name, that it was grandmas. I think mom always knew but it didn't hit her until a few weeks being on the road. She got really sick and was vomiting all the time. I was to young to understand, but now with Maya... I could tell mom was pregnant from the second she came back to that Cabin." Kaneki had his eyes pinned forward, looking out into the darkness as we made our way up the mountain side.

"Those lines, those are Titan marks. She's not a-

"No, well we really don't know, not yet at least. Mom tried taking her in to get examined but every time, we are met with anger and hatred, so they haven't been properly looked at. But they are always there, mom thinks it's due to her condition during you two conceiving her. Mom said she could have changed into a Titan while pregnant. We don't know and I don't think we ever will." Kaneki sighed, taking in a deep breath before continuing.

I could tell this was just as hard for him as it was for me.

"The marks bring a lot of unwanted attention, people treat her as some disease, a devil. That's what mom was dealing with yesterday when we left the tea shop. Some man had put hands on Kuchel, had her strung up in the air by her neck. Moms taken her fair share of blows defending us, but not anymore... I may not have been able to get the slip on you but I can still defend my family. I never let anyone hurt them Dad, I did as you asked." My chest locked up with his last sentence, he took that quite literally all those years back.

I mean I meant it but I didn't at the same time, I wanted him to be a child and live a happy life but I knew in the back of my head he would be his mothers only fighting chance at the world. She was strong but she was still fragile and small.

I reached my right hand out, placing it ontop of his head to give it a ruffle.

"You did good kid... but you still should have let me handle that....,yesterday at the tea shop. She is my daughter, I'm not to keen on the thought of another man laying hands on my child." I could feel the heat rising in my stomach, my face was feeling hot. That familiar predatorily part of me was coming out, it only even seemed to peak through when it was Y/N or the children in danger. I hated the thought of anyone harming them.

"Yeah well, with the show you put on back there. Just be happy I didn't lay you out where you stood.... Seeing mom like that, you don't understand how long it took us to make her okay again. And she still isn't, she was faking it.. I could even tell. But after seeing her hanging there... Rize even saw-"

"Stop.. you don't need to say anymore. I know I'm the main factor in your mother's downfall but I'm here now and I have every intention on grounding her, I will fix what I've done. I... I never wanted to have to see the day where my own children witness such hurt and pain. I hate that you saw her that way." I brought my hand out to his chest, stopping us from going any further. I could make out the cabin light on top of the hill so I could tell we were getting close. I still had some things I wanted to say, things I needed him to hear and understand.

"Your mothers heart was broken. I know that sounds cheesy and cliché, but dying from a broken heart is a very real thing. I was on the same track not to long ago." I swallowed my spit, trying my best to rid myself of such a dark time in my past, a story for another time. I didn't need to add to his worry, adding myself to the list of suicide watch he'd have to look after now..... I was past that.

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