Chapter 2 - Meeting Brian

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I make my morning cup of coffee and walk outside on my back patio. I sit down on one of the deck chairs and look at the sky as I lean back. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I love Saturdays; I don't have to go to work. 

Meow. I open my eyes. Did I just hear a cat? Meow. Yes, yes I did. I look around my patio and back yard hoping to find the lost cat I found three days ago. I can't see anything. Meow. This time I know where it came from. I walk down the steps of my patio and into my backyard. I bend down and look under the deck. There it is. The same cat as in the pictures. It's been living under my deck for the past three days.

"Come here. I won't hurt you," I say to the cat as I hold out my hand. I pat the ground in front of me and rub my fingers together. The cat slowly starts to come forward. 

"That's it. Come on," I say in a sweet voice. The cat finally reaches me and starts to sniff my hand. I lift my hand and pet the cat. The cat purrs and leans into me. I check the collar. Benjamin. The cat's name is Benjamin. I pick it up and bring it inside along with my now empty cup of coffee. I put the coffee cup in the sink and bring Benjamin to the couch. It's 11:00AM. I might as well take a shower and bring the cat back to it's owner. 

I walk upstairs and into the bathroom. I strip my clothes and walk in the shower. I shampoo and condition my hair, wash my body then walk out of the shower. I quickly brush and blow dry my hair and let it fall to the bottom of my ribcage. After putting a towel around my body, I walk into my bedroom and look for something to wear. I put on my black high waisted skinny jeans and my superman shirt. I look at the clock. 12:00. Might as well go deliver the cat now. I walk downstairs and put on my leather jack not bothering to zip it up. I put on my red high tops and walk into the living room to get the cat. 

"Come on, Benjamin." The cat jumps off the couch and walks towards me. I pick him up and grab my phone and keys. I take out my phone and scroll through my photos till I find the picture of the flyer. I zoom in the photo and look for the address. I finally find it. It belongs to the new owner of the house across the street from mine. Well, I guess it's time to meet my new neighbor.

I walk outside and lock the door which is really difficult to do when you're holding a cat. I walk across the street and walk up the steps to my neighbors house. I ring the doorbell and wait. I hear footsteps running downstairs and someone unlocking the door. The door opens to reveal one of my idols. Brian. Fucking. Quinn. I stare in shock.

"Hello," he says. He looks down and notices the cat. "Is that Benjamin!?" he asks both surprised, happy and confused.

I snap back into reality. "Oh, yeah. I found him living under the patio of my backyard," I say as I hand him the cat.

"Thank you so much," he says as he pets his cat. 

"It was no problem, really. I live right across the street," I tell him as I point to my house.

"Really?" I smile and nod. "Awesome! I'm meeting my new neighbor... I'm sorry, what's your name?" he asks.

"Michaela. Michaela May Wilder," I tell him and shake his hand.

He shakes my hand. "Well hello, Michaela May Wilder. I am-"

"Wait!" I cut him off. "Let me guess..." I tap my chin and pretend to think. "Brian Quinn?"

"Yes," he laughs. "I'm guessing you watch the show?"

"Yup" I pop the P. "Huge fan. You guys are hilarious."

"Thanks," he smiles. Suddenly my phone buzzes in my pocket and makes a notification sound. Brian notices too.

"You can answer, don't worry," he says. I smile and nod. When I take out my phone, I hear Brian gasp but he doesn't say anything. I continue looking through my phone. My best friend, Maggie, texted me.

Raindance Maggie: Hey! Wanna hang out today?

Me: Sure! My house?

Raindance Maggie: Yup. Same time as always?

Me: Yup. See ya then

I put my phone back in my pocket and turn to Brian. He looks ecstatic.

"You like Star Wars!" he says refering to my R2-D2 phone case.

"I love Star Wars!" I exclaim.

"I can tell you and I are going to be really good friends," he says smiling like a maniac.

"Definitely," I smile back.

"Do you want to come inside for a bit?" he asks.

"Actually, I have to go," I say sadly.

"Aww, okay. We should hang out sometime though," he says with a disappointed look on his face.

"For sure," I say.

"Here," he takes out his phone. "Let's exchange numbers and I'll text you sometime."

"Okay," I smile and take out my phone. We exchange numbers and give each other our phones back.

"Well, I guess I'll see you soon," I say as I walk down the steps.

"Yeah. I'll text you," he smiles

"Okay. Bye, Brian," I smile and wave as I walk down the steps.

"Bye, Michaela," I hear him say. I smile to myself and walk back to my house. I open the downs with my keys and immediately collapse on the couch as soon as I walk in. I just met Q from Impractical Jokers and I have his number. What the actual fuck. Suddenly, my phone vibrates in my pocket. 

Brian: Hey, it's Q! Just making sure it works:)

This is unreal.

A/N so there's a new chapter! I'm working as hard as I can to do as much as I can. I'm starting the 3rd chapter now so it should be up soon. I'm already at 30 reads and even a vote which is amazing and so shocking to me since I was expecting like 5 reads so thanks to you all:)

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