Texting 13: Bitch. I Am The View

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Historia: Paint me like one of your french girls

(F/N): ...

(F/N): I hate the french


(F/N): I don't think Macbeth did much wrong

Armin: I mean, killing Macduff's kids was a bit much.

Levi: No it wasn't


Connie: You got any raw toast?

(F/N): Yeah, come get some

Jean: What the fuck is raw toast? You mean bread

(F/N): Did the man stutter?


Armin: Remember to drink water today

(F/N): no

Armin: Then die


(F/N): Can you feel pain in your heart?

Mikasa: Oh my god, are you okay?

(F/N): No there's this tightening feeling

Mikasa: Okay...

(F/N): I short of breathe and my chest hurts

Mikasa: This sounds like a heart attack

(F/N): That'll be the burgers

Mikasa: Wait...multiple?

Mikasa: Are you okay?

Mikasa: ...

Mikasa: (F/N)?


Sasha: What sign are you?

(F/N): dollar


Erwin: Where are you?

(F/N): Between Hell and a good time

Erwin: ...

(F/N): Oh you meant location


Jean: Have you ever regretted a friendship?

(F/N): Yes

Jean: lol who?


Eren: Yo, move to the side, you're blocking the view

(F/N): Bitch I am the view


Annie: What are you doing tomorrow?

(F/N): You

Annie: Fucking finally. What time?

(F/N): I didn't know you were such a fan. I think I'll just go all day lol

Annie: Wow, you're packing big huh? I'm down

(F/N): What are you talking about? You binge weird

Annie: What?

(F/N): I'm binging watching You tomorrow on Netflix. I heard it's good. You a fan?

Annie: ...


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