Texting 12: I'm Ready To Use Interpretive Dance If That Helps

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Levi: Are you high?

(F/N): What?

Levi: High!

(F/N): Hello


Armin: The rest of Levi Squad and I have come up with map displaying all of Reiner and Bertoldt's possible locations

Erwin: This is just Wall Maria...

(F/N): Those bastards could be anywhere


Eren: Jean sneezed and went to say 'bless you' after he did but said 'shut the fuck up' instead


(F/N): How do you accidentally say shut the fuck up?


Pieck: Hi, I'm Pieck

(F/N): Hi, I'm depressed


(F/N): Armin. I saw you eat a cinnamon roll before and I was just wondering if you were planning to continue this cannibalism.

Armin: I'll do it again


(F/N): Are you male or female?

Hanji: Yes


Levi: You're 3DMG abilities have really improved lately. I'm impressed

(F/N): Are you proud of me Captain?

Levi: no


(F/N): Do different detergents taste differently?

Sasha: Yes.


(F/N): Why did you answer so certainly?


Jean: I have to tell you, I really love Mikasa. Every time I see her, I get butterflies in my stomach. I just...can't describe it.

(F/N): Sounds like Diarrhea.


Levi: Did you get the spare swords I gave you? Did you read the inscription?

(F/N): Made in China?

Levi: The other one

(F/N): Oh. No regrets.


Eren: In times like this I wish I'd listened to Armin

(F/N): Why? What did he say?

Eren: I don't know, I didn't listen


Erwin: I have calculated the odds of your survival on the next expedition and have decided not to share those odds.


(F/N): Do you support gay rights?

Reiner: Uh, I am gay

Connie: He's dodging the question


(F/N): Do you have a career in mind?

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