Texting 7: I'm Connie Springer And I Approve This Message

536 14 8

Jean: Who is this?

(F/N): Is me

Jean: Oh, you owe me money

(F/N): Is not me


(F/N): How to make emo cakes:

(F/N): Milk

(F/N): Butter

(F/N): Eggs

(F/N): Sugar

(F/N): We're

(F/N): Going

(F/N): Down

(F/N): Swinging


(F/N): I need your help, girls are fighting over me!

Reiner: Sounds great



Mikasa: Why aren't you returning my calls!?!?!?!?

(F/N): I can explain

Mikasa: Then explain!

(F/N): I like my ringtone


(F/N): OMG! I just saw you on TV!

Jean: wut

(F/N): You're on TV!!!

Jean: Really!? What show!?

(F/N): Animal planet


Levi: Are you awake?

(F/N): Why, Sir?

Levi: Help me clean the kitchen

(F/N): JK, I sleep, night


Annie: Tell me what you want me to do

(F/N): I want your Netflix password


Eren: I own like 50 pairs of sunglasses but I can never keep track of them

(F/N): So you could say...

(F/N): You have 50 shades of grey

Eren: You really wanna go there?


(F/N): So light em up up up, light them up up up, light em up up up

(F/N): Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fiiiiiyhahhhhhhhhh!!!


Mikasa: Do you want to exercise together?

(F/N): Exercise

(F/N): ...Ex..er...cise

(F/N): ...Ex..Ar...Size

(F/N): ...Eggs...are...sides

(F/N): ...For Bacon...

(F/N): Bacon

Mikasa: (0o0)

Mikasa: You're a genius



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