Texting 22: Are We Still Cool If I Bang Your Brother?

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(F/N): :)

Jean: I actually hope you die


Connie: Why do we fight over dumb shit?

(F/N): We've never fought on top of Jean


(F/N): This book's kinda sad

Armin: It's my autobiography


Connie: Just realised I've never seen an angry koala lol. What do you think an angry koala's like?

(F/N): What do I look like? David Attenborough?


(F/N): Hey. Can you sneak me in? I can wrap myself around your leg

Erwin: It's $3 submission...

(F/N): Not all of us have a steady pay check

(F/N): I don't even get a handshake


(F/N): I wanna shower but I don't want to stand for 10 minutes

Jean: Take a bath tf

(F/N): I can't, I'm out of bath bombs


(F/N): Name a more iconic duo than me and procrastination. Go ahead, I'll wait


(F/N): You gotta learn to pick your battles

Eren: I do

(F/N): Pick less

(F/N): Put some back

(F/N): That's too much


(F/N): It's a thin line between word and world

Mikasa: I could rock your world


(F/N): If I could describe my life in one picture...

(F/N): Images not available on sms service


Armin: Everyone who died at the battle of Hogwarts missed All Star by Smash Mouth's release two days later

(F/N): That's so sad. They had so much to do. So much to see


Hanji: The worst thing about parallel parking is the witnesses

(F/N): Not if you're bad enough


(F/N): If your last name was an action, it would be...

Connie: Spring

Bertoldt: Hoover

Armin: Alert

Simon: Pegg


Eren: Does Levi stand for anything?

(F/N): Cleaning supplies

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