Texting 19: Keep Your Kinks To Yourself

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Reiner: I'm going down to the lake. You wanna come with?

(F/N): Sorry. Can't.

(F/N): But do me a favour. Go there. Find a leaf. Gently set it on the water. Then watch it slowly float away with a passive expression and sorrowful eyes

Reiner: Finally. A reasonable request


(F/N): Halloween's coming up

Armin: Don't remind me. I've already predicted everyone's gonna be dressed up as characters from Squid Game

Sasha: Hey! Did you guys say Squid Game!

Sasha: Have you seen Squid Game!

Sasha: Have you seen Squid Game yet!

Connie: STOP! You know that scares me!

Sasha: What does? The drama? The murder?

(F/N): The shapes on the masks. He hasn't learned about shapes yet

Connie: I feel them tormenting my mind. Probing my every thought... Chanting made up words like polygon and hexagon...


(F/N): I like wearing my boyfriends hoodies. They're big and warm

Bertoldt: Stop stealing my hoodies

(F/N): The long sleeves are adorable on me


(F/N): Bed bath and behind you

Eren: I checked out of curiosity and screamed when Petra stood behind me.

Eren: She's been crying for an hour thinking she's ugly


(F/N): Concept:

(F/N): Me riding your ceiling fan. You whacking me with a broom. The both of us screaming

Jean: Keep your kinks to yourself man


Historia: Good morning!

(F/N): Who was the lazy bastard who named the fruit orange instead of giving it an actually name and not racially identifying it?


Eren: What you up to?

(F/N): Oh. Just the usual

Eren: What's the usual?

Eren: ...

Eren: What's the fucking usual?


Levi: I need a raise

Erwin: We've been over this. I don't care how difficult the newcomers are. You're not entitled to financial compensation

Levi: You get paid way more than I do

(F/N): You guys are getting paid?


Jean: I'm outside. Open up

(F/N): When I was young my dad used to feed me cat food

Jean: I meant the fucking door


Eren: I feel like I need a catchphrase when I transform

Eren: Like I gotta say something cool before I fucking explode with lighting

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