Texting 6: wOulD yOu PAy atTEnTiOn fOR FIvE miNUteS!?

625 14 21

Eren: (F/N)

(F/N): Yeah?

Eren: Mom says it's my turn on the Xbox

(F/N): Now just hold on a diddly darn second...


(F/N): Reading is just staring at a dead piece of wood for hours and hallucinating

Armin: Please delete this


(F/N): Are you bringing the food tonight?

Sasha: Yah, I'll be there in 10 mins, getting some hickey


Sasha: I WROTE CHICKEN!!! stupid autocorrect


Jean: Are you free tonight?

(F/N): Dang right I am. Just call me America

Jean: You're that free?

(F/N): No, I'm physically unstable and about to blow something up


Armin: Would you pay attention for 5 minutes!?

(F/N): wOulD yOu PAy atTEnTiOn fOR FIvE miNUteS!?


Jean: Out of the people we know, who do you think is gay?

(F/N): Venom and Eddie

Jean: You know, church is free

(F/N): I can't afford it


(F/N): Thanks for being my bro

(F/N): Such bro

(F/N): Very friendship


Jean: Dude. What does it mean to ship a couple, like what the heck.

(F/N): I don't understand why people don't get it. Just simply stuff a couple you like in a box, stick an UPS logo on it and ship away.


Jean: I don't think that's it.


(F/N): Shit


Reiner: I have cheese but no crackers

(F/N): Sounds like you're cracka-lackin


Eren: ran into tree


(F/N): You okay?

(F/N): Or should I say oaky?

(F/N): haha

(F/N): sorry

(F/N): Dude, you alright?


Armin: Just Dance 4. My place. Tonight. 7:30

(F/N): The roof is not my son, but I will raise it


Jean: Sad to hear about Erwin's right arm huh?

(F/N): Guess he's all left now?

(F/N): Wait...

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