Texting 27: Hi Depressed, I'm Dad

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Eren: Cant break any laws if you dont know them

Levi: You can still be punished for committing crimes. Felonies, etc. Have you heard of a misdemeanor?

(F/N): he probably thinks that's a Mr Men character


(F/N): How's the most handsome man in the world doing?

(F/N): I'm doing great, beautiful!


(F/N): I just frontflipped off my horse without my 3dmg

Connie: Anyone would be lucky to have you


(F/N): Mikasa's lipstick tastes weird

Armin: Wait...did you two kiss?

Mikasa: No. He confused my lipstick for a lollipop


Reiner: Might mess about and purposefully not check my 3dmg before use and take a nosedive off one of the walls

(F/N): Bring a jacket


(F/N): Sexy bitch (self-diagnosed)


(F/N): Ten things I hate about myself but my boyfriend loves

(F/N): Starting off at number one, we got me

Eren: Sweetheart, we've spoke about this


(F/N): Are you little spoon or big spoon?

Levi: Specialised 3DMG blade


Erwin: And when we upset someone, what do we say in response

(F/N): hoes mad

Hanji: I raised that boy


Levi: When I was little-

(F/N): Oh, did this just happen?

Levi: You know what-


(F/N): Dammit! Why aren't you obeying the laws of physics?

Levi: *Triple backflips whilst sitting down*


(F/N): You have to pick your battles

Eren: I picked them all

Eren: I'm winning


Eren: I'm just so fucking angry!!

(F/N): aight man keep your head on


Jean: What's your favourite series?

(F/N): Falco and the Marley Soldier


(F/N): You're too late, Captain!

(F/N): Weed has been legalised!

(F/N): Nya hahahahaha

Levi: But you're the one getting smoked, cadet!

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