Random Prompt AU - Chaekura

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another prompttttt


Sakura collapsed on the couch, face falling into a pillow. Work by all means wasn't bad (working with famous singers was a dream), but those singers can get on your nerves. She thought of a colleague who she thought she liked, until she saw him with his boyfriend. Then she realized she didn't like him at all. She had wanted to like him, but it was when she saw him and the other guy giggling and holding hands, she had thought, "It would be so cool to be holding hands with a girl like that." And then she was like "Wait wuuuuuuut..." so that was a cool reality check.

Sakura groaned and turned over, holding the pillow over her face while her cat jumped around, knocking things over.

It was about then that someone knocked on Sakura's door.

Sakura sighed and trudged over to the door.

There was a girl standing outside her apartment. She was taller than the Sakura, had jet black hair, and her eyes were a sort of chocolate brown that you could stare in forever. And she had an adorable shade of pink on her lips, which totally didn't get Sakura staring at her mouth and thinking about how soft those lips must be. Sakura was suddenly aware of how she hadn't showered in two days, her hair was a mess, her apartment was a mess, and how she was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Er, are you there?"

Sakura shook her head, cheeks flaming instantly.

"O-oh yeah, sorry. D-did you n-need something?"

The tall stranger bit her lip and nodded, flustered, and Sakura could feel her insides melt.

"So, your cat is kinda, er, runs around a lot an-"

"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry I can, er-"

"No no no, I was just wondering if I could pet it."

They stood in silence for half a second, until Sakura started laughing at how cute such a scarily good-looking girl could be.

"Sure, come in."

The tall girl smiled so innocently and brightly that Sakura couldn't stop her own lips from curling into a smile of her own.

She looked around briefly and then kneeled down to pick up Sakura's cat.

"Excuse my mess, I'm not the best at organization."

Tall girl laughed, and Sakura was looking like a strawberry again. "Don't worry, my apartment is probably worse."

Sakura handed the cat to the tall girl, and the cat made himself comfortable in the stranger's lap. The tall girl cooed and giggled, and Sakura's heart was switched on flutter mode.

"So, what's your name?"

The tall girl looked up, blushing. "I-I'm Chaeyeon. Lee Chaeyeon. You?"

"Sakura. Miyawaki Sakura. Where do you go to school?"

Chaeyeon was really expressive and funny and was full of weird stories. Sakura told her own fair share of weird experiences, and it was the most fun afternoon Sakura had had in a long time.

"Oh shoot, I should probably go now. I have homework."

"Yikes. Homework is almost always life-threatening. Good luck, Chaeyeon."

She laughed. "Thanks for letting me play with your cat."

Sakura smiled. "Anytime. It was fun talking. Would you want t-to come over a-again sometime, anytime, w-well not anytime cause I have w-work, but, I mean, y-you don't h-have t-to but-"

Chaeyeon interrupted the shorter girl, giggling. "Yes. Sure. Sounds great."

Sakura stood, both girl's faces suddenly impossibly close. Chaeyeon whispered, "See you."

Sakura being slightly awkward, stuck her hand out. Chaeyeon shook it.

"See you around Chaeyeon."

Chaeyeon waved, and with a smile, she was gone. For now.


I originally wrote this for a PJO ship, but whatever.


Thx so much for readingggg

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