No Plotline Save Me - Annyeongz

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There had been this one time.

Yujin was crying. It was in the middle of the night, clearly no one had noticed but Wonyoung. Her heart cracked with each heart wrenchingly silent sob. She briefly glanced at Yujin, only to find that her friend scrolling through comments on her phone. She did want to go to Yujin, to hold her, but... the two hadn't been as close lately. She doubted Yujin would want her company.

Wonyoung's lip quivered at Yujin's weak, "I'm sorry."

On the verge of tears herself, Wonyoung softly walked over to Yujin's bed. She heard a sharp intake of breath and some scrambling to hide the phone, but without exchanging any words, Wonyoung climbed into the bed and snaked her arms around Yujin's shoulders.

Yujin looked down, almost guiltily, at her lap.

"Hey. Look at me." Wonyoung whispered.

Like a child, Yujin looked up at Wonyoung, eyes overflowing with tears.

"Ignore them. They don't know what they're talking about. You're the most talented, hilarious, amazing person I've ever met and I won't have them taking that away."

Unable to stop the tears from flowing down her face, Yujin had hidden her head in Wonyoung's shoulder. Adjusting her position a little, Wonyoung let Yujin crawl into her lap. Her fingers drew soft patterns on the shorter girls' back. Yujin was shaking. Wonyoung's heart ached. It wasn't fair, how people decided to take out their anger on Yujin, how Yujin had become a person who people expected not to cry, to be super extroverted, to constantly be laughing. It wasn't fair.

So Wonyoung tried her best to make it fair. She couldn't stop the evil comments, but this time, she could hold Yujin. She could wipe away her tears.

But Wonyoung never expected the hate to affect Yujin so much.

It didn't worry her in the beginning. Yujin was just as happy and loud and funny when she needed to be. She was the Yujin everyone knew. But in the night, Wonyoung often found her crying. Every time, Wonyoung pulled her close, ran her hands over her hair, and whispered kind things in her ears.

Eventually, Yujin started coming to Wonyoung. Wonyoung had been worried in the beginning - does this mean that Yujin's feeling worse about herself? But when she asked, Yujin had mumbled something about comfort and wrapped her arms around Wonyoung's waist.

Sometimes she'd come to Wonyoung and whisper an excuse. Other times, she'd be giggling and she'd kiss Wonyoung's cheek. The worst times were when she came crying. One time, she had breathed out the most broken, "I'm not good enough." Wonyoung had squeezed her tighter. It became their tradition, when Yujin felt like this, for her to timidly ask Wonyoung to say something nice about her, and Wonyoung would whisper sweet things about her many talents, her loving personality, how beautiful she is. Yujin would weakly whisper her thanks.

But no one knew. It broke Wonyoung's heart that no one knew. Everyone saw Yujin as this perfect human being, no flaws, didn't care about the people that left mean comments. And as much as Yujin is almost perfect, she has flaws. And she does care about how people decide to spend all their time bringing her down. 

So Wonyoung does her best to make sure that Yujin knows how amazing she is.

And maybe, with time, the hate comments will stop bothering her.

But if they do ever bother her, even just a little, Wonyoung will be there.


Sorry I have no idea what this absolute trash of a story is. No story line, no nothing. 

This is actually humiliating, this is. 

I'm sorry for the fact that I'm publishing this.


The actual cringe. 

Thx for reading thooo :) heheheheh.

(Also I'm still taking requests XD)

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