Arachnophobia - Annyeongz

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 Yujin was so freaking done with Monday. All of her friends in her grade (aka Minju and Yena) had been in the regionals debate competition literally all weekend and the two of them had been with the debate team discussing and chatting all day. All. Day. And, of course, Mondays in general suck.

Although, Wonyoung was supposed to show up in about half an hour. That was good.

Yujin plugged in both earbuds and shuffled her "chill" playlist. Softly humming along to Taeyeon's "Dear Me" and hating the way her voice sounded too husky not sweet at all, she pulled out her backpack.

She almost started her homework. Almost.

Instead, she pulled out her notebook. It had a fun history - her mom had used up two of the pages with doctor-y notes from when she was in residency and she had inherited the notebook when she was four. Which meant that pictures of princesses were harshly colored in at the back of the book.

Anyways, she'd used this notebook for French when she'd lost her French notebook and because it was smaller than some of those huge five-star Staples books, she now used it for everything. She practiced her language of choice (English) and wrote random things during class for fun, although the only sentences she wrote were, "My head really hurts" and "I hate math." There was a page for math problems, there was a list of stuff to do for science, and there were soooo many pages of fanfiction that she wrote.

Opening up to the most recent page of writing, Yujin pulled up a google document and started typing, transcribing the notes hastily scrawled into the journal into a story she could post. Licking her bottom lip, she smiled as the words started to paint pictures in her head.

Footsteps sounded out in the hallway. Yujin's door was closed, but based off of the heaviness and the length of the stride, she guessed it was her dad. Scratch that, she didn't guess - she knew it was her dad. Clicking on the google classroom tab and closing her book, Yujin readied herself. Chats with her dad weren't always the most polite.

The creak of the door as it swung open signaled Yujin to pretend like she was just looking up from her work. Facing her dad, she put on her brightest smile and mustered out an excited, "Hi!" Taeyeon was still singing in her ear.

The way Daddy Dearest was smiling was not making her comfortable.

I love myself, I trust myself. Yujin relaxed at this line.

"What's up?"

"Just wanted to show you..." her dad pulled out a jar from behind his back and shoved it into Yujin's face. "THIS!"

As soon as Yujin's eyes focused, she screamed.

Shrieking louder and higher than a fire alarm, Yujin's heart rate doubled in speed and she couldn't breathe staring right into the eyes of a big, brown, hairy spider. Still screaming, Yujin pushed her chair with her legs into the wall and curled herself into a ball. She could practically feel it crawling up her arms, on her neck, creeping up her face.

And suddenly, she was crying.

Her father was still standing there, laughing like it was the most hilarious thing ever as Yujin's body racked with sobs. She was still folded into the corner, but now she was looking on every other window, crack, and crevice for a spider, just in case of another one. Her dad shoved the spider back up in her face. Yujin was bawling and screeching now.

"Please, m-move it away!"

Her dad only responded with a sharp cackle. Yujin stared at the thing and sobbed into her knees.

"Calm the fuck down and stop crying, little wimp." Yujin's father waved the spider up in her face. Yujin whimpered and tried to stifle her cries. She couldn't. One look in that creature's huge eyes and she was back to screaming.

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