Vampire-ish Sorta Kinda AU - Kangbi ft. 2kimz and a teensy bit of Chaekura

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Undeserving of the entire "vampire" thing. Just, like, a wee tiny minuscule bit of it.


I didn't want to be special.

I was your average college student - all-nighters every other day, five million essays to write, coffee. So much coffee. I'd just sit there with my caffeine in the dorm writing and rewriting and silently dying as the night wasted away. Did you know that I hate the sound of birds now? You want to know why? It's because when those birds chirp at 4:30 in the morning, you know you only have two and a half hours left to finish your paper.

But evidently, as I've been using past tense, I'm not that... regular. Not anymore.

Look, I can explain. I've got a short explanation and a long explanation. Heck, my short explanation is two words long. It goes like this: "Kang Hyewon."

However, assuming you don't know who Kang Hyewon is, you'll probably need the long explanation.

So here you go.


It was a regular day. Winter break was coming up, meaning midterms. I could barely pry my eyes open that morning. I didn't put much thought into my outfit, my makeup, anything, really. The only thing I thought was when I looked in the mirror - then I thought, "Well Kwon Eunbi, you look hella ugly this lovely morning."

From the second I stepped out of my dorm I knew it wasn't going to be a pleasant day.

Having already drank a huge mug full of coffee, I decided the only logical thing to do was to bring two other water bottles full of it. I downed half of one on my way to the East Wing while all of the future nutritionists passed by with looks of scorn on their way to botany. I stopped a few paintings before the other groups, though.

Readying myself for a long nine hours of tests, I stepped into AP calculus.

"Hey, Eunbi-unnie!"

"Over here!"

I smiled, making my way over to Chaeyeon and Yena.

"Oh jeez, you looked like you fought with a yeti in a tornado." My smile dropped into a look that I thought portrayed the word 'seriously?' quite well.

Chaeyeon elbowed Yena, who of course, decided to be overly dramatic and pretend like she was dying, which made Ms. Jeon look over at us like we were insane, which then made Yena sober up and smile awkwardly while Ms. Jeon raised an eyebrow at all of us which jeopardized my one chance at getting better grade because of how much Ms. Jeon liked me.

She didn't really like me a lot to begin with anyway, but even so, Chaeyeon and I took turns death glaring at Yena.

Unfortunately, this repeated nearly every class - I had English with only Chaeyeon and history alone to look forward to, but everything else was just pain and dumbness and me just wishing that lunch would come already. And after lunch, just wishing that the clock would hit 4:00 already.

"Gosh, what did you guys have last?" Yena pulled back her hair with two fingers and let it fall back in front of her face.

"Chemistry. Who knew that Ms. Zhou was so into analogies? I swear, 'Does the relationship of a molecule and a nucleus relate more to eight and two or a horse and an equestrian?' I'm never getting over that," Chaeyeon grumbled.

I laughed. "I had history on the idiocy of America and how we can't ever repeat the same mistakes. You know, the stuff they taught in seventh grade."

Chaeyeon pursed her lips as Yena blew out a sigh. "Lucky."

"I had English Literature. What I tooketh from thyest humble learning room was that the art of speaking sucketh big time."

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