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I'm sorry. This might be the only a/n I ever write, but I don't really want to say much. We all know that that this is it. We're all probably heartbroken and miserable right now.

But that doesn't mean we can't still remember them fondly.

I know that times are hard right now. We didn't think the two and a half years would go by so fast. I know that if you're reading this on the 29th of April, you're probably crying because this is it. 

But we'll never forget our girls, our lovely crackheads, and how they affected our lives. So when their lives are the ones affected, let's support them. No, it'll never be as perfect without all twelve of them to lighten our days, but we should still support them and their new adventures.

Even if this journey as one has come to an end, to us and to each other, they'll forever be together as IZ*ONE.

Even if this journey as one has come to an end, to us and to each other, they'll forever be together as IZ*ONE

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