Song Fic Pt. 2 - 2kimz

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So... yeah. It was a very, very long time ago (2 months lol) that I posted the Song Fic for 2kimz, but I got a request from 2kim_is_real so... yeah. 

2kim_is_real - I hope this is, you know, generally okay.

So yeah. Enjoy! I hope my writing has gotten a little bit better over the last 2 months!


Seems like a part of me will always have to lose

Minju muttered a curse under her breath. Why was it always like this? No matter what she tried, it always ended with her sitting. Alone. Staring at the night sky. 

Yujin had broken up with her this way, leaving Minju silently stifling sobs on her neighborhood's sidewalk.

Her closest friends Sakura and Hyewon left her this way after she decided to go to a different college, on a bench at midnight, breaking her heart in a way only friends can do.

This was the way she had sat when her parents kicked her out.

Nothing had ever lasted long.

She really thought Chaewon would be there forever. She really did. Minju and Yiren had called it quits a few nights ago when Yiren met a girl called Aisha and decided that she and Minju were better off as friends. Minju agreed. And suddenly every time she turned to look at her best friend, Chaewon, she wanted to run over and throw her arm around her shoulders. Every time she heard her voice, Minju wanted to look around and hug her, kiss her forehead. Minju had hoped that she might gain Chaewon's trust by spending time with her. Maybe they'd get closer. Maybe she'd have a chance with someone.

And she had destroyed it. Again.

Yanking a clump of her hair, Minju screamed at the sky and burst into sobs that she couldn't stifle even if she had tried.

Every single time I have to choose

Minju couldn't even count the amount of decisions she'd had to make and picked Yiren. She yelled again, still crying, lump lodged in her throat and heart clenched. Her insides wilted a little as she recalled each text answering Chaewon's request of a hang out. 

"sorry, I'm with yiren."

"sorry, I'm on a date w/ yiren."

"sorry, I'm hanging at yiren's."

"Hi! This is Yiren! Minju is asleep right now."

Swore that it felt right, but was I wrong?

Minju had thought that asking Chaewon to sing would help them get closer. She would compliment Chaewon's voice, maybe they'd hug, Chaewon would blush and get flustered (as usual) and then Minju would have a better chance with her. It could have gone perfectly.

Of course, it didn't.

Chaewon decided to sing Heather, and every lyric was gorgeous coming from her mouth. The song was beautiful, until Chaewon ran off in tears. Then, Minju pieced things together.

Her jacket.

A jacket she gave to Chaewon. Another jacket she gave to Yiren.

Minju angrily ran a hand through her hair as her hot tears stung her cheeks, leaving her them red and irritated.

Is this where I'm supposed to be at all?

No, it wasn't. Minju could tell that.

She wasn't supposed to be sitting on the ledge of a rooftop choking back sobs.

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