Chapter 30

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"Hannah I don't think this is a-"
"Leave it," Ahmed put his hand up to stop Saeed from finishing his sentence.

I turned around to see Zara, Ariana, Saeed and Adnan stood in the doorway behind me.
Adnan's eyes held anger.

I sighed, "Adnan I need to do this, I need to end this for myself but most importantly for us," I told him.
"Hannah, you're the one who told me to keep you away from him," annoyance evident in his voice as he turned around.
I called after him, "ADNAN!" I ran out after him but he already disappeared... That was quick.

I walked back, back to the others.
"Tell me what you need to talk about so it's done and I never have to speak to you again," I said bluntly to Tom.
"I need to talk to you in private," he said looking at the group gathered behind me.
"Over my dead body," Saeed's face turned red as Ariana put her hand to his chest and told him to calm down and that this needed to be done.
"We'll be outside," Zara glared at Tom as she pulled Ahmed and followed Ariana and Saeed out. Tom's mum left after them.

It was silent for a while and I could feel my stomach churning, just being in a room with him made me feel sick and now I'm alone with him.

"Hannah, I'm sorry, I really am truly sorry you don't understand how sorry I am!" He apologised and I could tell he meant it. I let him continue, "I fucked our relationship up so badly, I had everything and I fucked it up!" He cursed at himself, "I hurt the one thing that meant everything to me and I did it out of jealousy and control! I knew I could control the relationship because I was so in love with you that I was afraid of losing you and I did exactly that, I lost you. This isn't some speech to win you back because I know I've had my chance, I've had a few chances from you and I messed them up each time. I admit that seeing you with Adnan broke my heart but I knew he made you happy and I was happy that you were finally happy. I'm sorry for annoying you since I've been back but I had to speak to you face to face so I could explain to you face to face how sorry I am," he explained.
"Why did you move back?" My voice came out quieter than expected.
"My mum got transferred back here," he kept his eyes on me, "Hannah I promise not to hurt you again or even come in your way but I just want you to know how sorry I am!" He said.
"I believe you Tom and I accept your apology so thank you for that but I don't want you back in my life, I don't want to speak to you again. If we see each other around then we see each other around because we can't avoid seeing each other outside," I said. I felt a sigh of relief, that all of this was finally over and buried into the past. I was no longer afraid of the boy stood in front of me.
"I agree," he nodded, "but thank you for letting me explain and I hope everything goes good with Adnan," he smiled.
I smiled at him, "thank you and I hope you find your happiness," he smiled at me again and we said our goodbyes for what would be the last time and I walked out but was stopped by his mum in the hallway.
"Hannah honey, thank you for hearing him out and accepting his apology, I really liked you and I always will continue to like you even if things have ended for you two," she spoke.
"Thank you Mrs Evans, I will always like you too," I smiled at her.
"I'll see you around," she nodded with a smile.
"See you around," I smiled and headed out.

"Everything sorted?" Ahmed asked, I nodded.
"He explained and apologised, I forgave him and we agreed not to speak again," I gave him a quick little overview.
"I'm so happy you can finally move on from all of this," Zara shone a smile on her way over to give me a tight hug.
"Me too," I breathed.
"Ahmed? Can you drive me to Adnan's?" I asked quietly.
"Yes and if he doesn't listen then I'll speak to him," He clarified.

I left with Ahmed and Zara.

We arrived at the Januzaj household ten minutes later.
"Call me if needed," Ahmed called as I got out of his car and waved him and Zara goodbye until I reached the gates and pressed the buzzer, although the car didn't leave until I was inside the house.

"Hannah dear! Adnan is upstairs," Gani was happy to see me and knew something had happened.
"Thank you," I smiled at her and headed up the stairs.

I paused outside Adnan's room and knocked on his door.
"Go away," he called.
Without responding I walked straight into his room.
"Hannah I don't want to speak about it," he wouldn't even make eye contact with me.
"No Adnan we need to because you're upset over it," my voice was soft.
"Why would you speak to him after what he's done? Why would you go near him when you've spent the past two months running the other way," I could sense the anger coming from him.
"Because I had to get closure on it!" I sighed, "I was sick of living in this shadow and still being afraid of him! I didn't want that and I didn't want that now that I'm with you! I heard him out because I wanted to know why he did it, the real reason and not the reason that his dad cheated on his mum. I forgave him but told him not to speak to me again and he agreed. He said that he's happy I'm with you because you know how to treat me. Adnan I know you're angry but this had to be done, I'm sorry," he didn't say a word and let me speak but still didn't make eye contact with me.
"I think we need to take a break," he breathed.
"You're breaking up with me?" I was shocked.
"No, we just need to take a break," he said.
"And that means breaking up. You're breaking up with me because I had to get closure on something from my past?!" I asked. Frustration was beyond me right now.
"No, I think we both need to clear our heads and I think you need to get closure on something else from your past too," he meant my dad.
He jumped into my sentence, "Hannah I think this is the best thing right now," the tears started welling up in my eyes.
"Okay, if this is what you want then fine, goodbye," I walked straight out of his room and ran straight down the stairs and out of the house.

I had no idea where I was going from Adnan's house to be honest, I don't know these streets very well.
I continued my way down the road from Adnan's house, tears streaming down my face and text Ahmed.

'Me: Will you come and pick me up please?"

'Ahmed⚽️: Yeah, are you at Adnan's?"

I text him the name of the street that I was on.
'Ahmed⚽️: I'll be there in ten'

Ten minutes later and Ahmed's car pulled up. Zara was sat in the back fixing something in a bag.

"What happened?" My brother asked as soon as I sat in and closed the door.
"He... He broke up with me," I breathed as more tears rolled down my face.
"What?! Why?!" Zara stopped what she was doing.
"He was saying why I agreed to speak to him and why I'd go near him when all I was doing was running in the opposite direction. He said he thinks we both need a break to clear our heads so I said fine if that's what he wants and walked out," I explained and I'm surprised they heard all of that because it sounded like a muffle with the crying.
"He broke up with you because you spoke to him to find out why?" Ahmed's eyes flared up.
"Leave it Ahmed, I have no energy to create more drama, if he doesn't want to be with me then so be it," I cried harder.
"Hannah don't cry," Zara leaned forward and stroked my shoulder trying to comfort me, "things will sort themselves out okay," she kissed my forehead before leaning back as Ahmed drove off.

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