Chapter 37

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There was a creaking noise coming from the right corner of the room. Turning over I struggled to open my eyes but they eventually flung back as I blinked hard a few times, there was no light however as the room was still quite dark.

Adnan was stood in the corner of the room by his wardrobe and was finishing putting his white training top on.

"Adnan what time is it?" My voice was groggy.
He turned around, "it's 8:30am, I'm sorry for waking you up," he shut the door to the wardrobe and walked over to my side of the bed.
"You need to stop saying sorry," I let out a low giggle.
He chuckled and kissed my head, "I have to go into training this morning, I was going to ask you to come with me but you've got a cold and you need to rest and sleep, Ahmed told me you haven't slept properly in the past two weeks so that's playing a part in this cold as well," he explained.
"But I wanna go," I pouted.
"You can but just not today okay?" nodding in response.
"Mama's going to look after you whilst I'm gone, I'll check in on you when we have a break," He stroked my hair.
"Okay, have fun," I smiled at him, not wanting to kiss him because of my cold but he crashed his lips to mine.
"Adnan," I whined when we pulled away, "I'm ill don't kiss me, I don't want you to become ill."
He gave me a look of stupidity, "No, I don't care if I get ill, I need your lips!" He protested, "I love you," picking up his training bag he kissed the palm of my hand and walked to the door.
"I love you too," I whispered before he walked out.

It wasn't long until I fell asleep again, I was completely out of it.

"Hannah... Honey?" A low voice spoke besides me.

The sunlight hit me as I turned over and quickly went into a shield position, my hands covering my eyes.

"Can you shut the curtain please," I groaned, still unaware of who was in the room.

I heard footsteps and then darkness filled the room, making it safe for me to remove my hands.

"Sorry I thought you could do with some sunlight," she apologised.
"No no it's fine, I'm sorry, I have a migraine and I don't take well to light when I have one," I apologised, I thought I sounded quite rude, "I'm sorry for being rude."
"You weren't rude Hannah," she laughed, "It's 4:30, you need to wake up and eat something honey," she said softly but I groaned at the thought of food.
"You need to eat Hannah, come on," I looked up to see Adnan now standing besides Gani.
I groaned again.
"Come on," his voice soft as he stepped forward and held his hand out for me.

I paused for a few seconds before pulling my body out of bed and taking a hold of Adnan's hand and as soon as my hand met his, he pulled me into his body for support. I was feeling dizzy.


We all walked into the kitchen where Abedin was waiting for us.

"I've made vegetable pasta," Gani announced to me as I sat down. Adnan was stood behind me with his arm out in case i wobbled to the side. I sat down and then shuffled again and crossed my legs.
"How are you feeling Hannah?" Abedin asked.
"Honestly.." taking a pause, I took a deep breath and let it go, "I feel like I've had ten anxiety attacks just from being awake in the past five minutes."
"You suffer from anxiety?" Gani asked.

I nodded and then realised that none of them were aware of me suffering from anxiety.

"How often do you have them?"
"I used to have them a lot before with the whole Tom thing and then they disappeared and in the past month I've had them about once/twice a day," my head was bent forward, facing the table as I tried to calm myself.
"Hannah baby-"
"-Sorry, I'll be fine now," I felt bad enough that the attention had turned to me and it was making me panic even more that the attention was on me so it made me harder for me to calm myself.
"How old were your parents when they got married?" Gani asked randomely.
"Um..." I couldn't think straight, "Um... they got married quite young, my mum was um," I inhaled and then exhaled slowly, "she was seventeen and my dad was um 22."
"Oh they were quite young like us two," Gani smiled and I caught it in the corner of my eye.
"What-," I faintly breathed, "age were you two?"
"I was eighteen and Abedin was twenty-one," I looked up and met her smile to Abedin.
"That's so cute," A small smile spread across my lips, "thanks for changing the subject," I breathed.
"My friend used to suffer from anxiety attacks, I learnt how to calm her down," She placed her hand ontop of mine.
"It's so cute when people get married young and their marriage lasts," I smiled.

She smiled directly at her husband and I caught Adnan smiling at me.

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