Chapter 13

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~New Years Eve~
There was noise coming from the room next door so I quickly left the bathroom and entered Saeed's room.

"Ahmed what are you doing?" I asked, unaware of why he was putting Saeed's clothes into a suitcase.
"Packing Saeed some clothes," he made the obvious statement.
I rolled my eyes at him "I see that.... But why?"
He didn't stop to talk to me, he carried on moving between the suitcase which was laying on the bed and the drawers "because he text me saying to pack him a suitcase."
"Did he say why?"
"No but we can ask him whenever he gets back," Ahmed zipped the suitcase.
"You're right, there is something to worry about," Ahmed looked at me with a worried expression.
"Ahmed don't worry," I reassured him.
"Come on let's go get breakfast, I feel like pancake house," I nodded my head and left to get my purse and phone.

20 minutes after our conversation in Saeed's room, we arrived in town, heading straight to pancake house.

Ahmed ordered himself a Nutella pancake with crushed digestive biscuits on top with a cup of tea and ordered me a Nutella pancake with strawberries on top and a Nutella hot chocolate.

He observed me for a moment before opening his mouth to say something, "how's Adnan?" His voice soft.
"He's better now, was in training yesterday and Monday," I responded.
"That's good, do you think he'll play tomorrow?" I just shrugged my shoulders, having no clue if he would get any game time.
"Hannah, I like Adnan and not only because he plays for my favourite team," he let out a light chuckle "I've got to know him and he's a really nice boy but I don't want you to get hurt again," his voice dropped.
"Ahmed, I don't know what the future holds for mine and Adnan's relationship, I just want to enjoy the now and not worry about the future. If I get hurt, yes I'm going to be upset but I'll end up moving on, everyone does," I sighed.
"I'm always here for you you know."
"I know and I couldn't be more thankful," I made a kissy face to him.

It was silent for the next few minutes as we finished off our breakfast.

"What do you think they said to Saeed?" I quietly asked, worried about Saeed.
"I have no idea but it clearly isn't anything good if he's asked me to pack him a bag," I could tell Ahmed was trying to be strong and not worry but his voice gave away nothing but worry.
Ahmed is normally good at hiding his emotions and being strong but you can read him like a book when it comes to family.
"Did he say when he was coming home?"
"He said soon, I'm just worried he'll do something stupid because he isn't thinking," he sighed.
"Let's hope he's in the right mind set," I ended the conversation as Ahmed nodded.

Once we finished eating, we headed home.

~In the car~
"Any plans for tonight?" Ahmed asked as we turned out of the car park.
"No, probably just watch the countdown on TV," I laughed.
"I'm going out to see the fireworks with Zara tonight, do you want to come with us?"
"Ahmed you don't need to invite me out with you and Zara every time, I'm fine with staying home on my own," I was a bit annoyed.
"I know but I just don't like leaving you home alone," he argued back.
"There's nothing wrong with it, I'm not a kid Ahmed I can look after myself."
"I'm sorry for being nice," he put left arm up.
"No you just feel sorry for me," I argued.
"I don't feel sorry for you, well kind of but I know you're not a kid, it's got nothing to do with that! It's just the fact that I don't like leaving you alone at all. I'm you're brother and I'm allowed to not like leaving you home alone!" He protested.
"Okay.... But seriously I'm fine with staying in," I said quietly.
"Hannah don't ever think that you're intruding with Zara and I okay, she loves you a lot and she's always telling the me to ask you out with us as well," his voice softened.
"Fine, just for tonight," he sighed.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket as it started to vibrate.
Me: 'hi honey'
Adnan: 'hello beautiful,' his voice seemed excited.
Me: 'what's up?'
Adnan: 'please tell me you haven't got plans tonight?'
Me: 'my best friend is still on holiday, my older brother is in Wales and my other older brother is going out with his girlfriend so nope I have no plans'
'I invited her out with me and Zara but she said no so don't say I didn't ask!' Ahmed yelled in the background, chuckling as I hit his arm.
Adnan laughed at Ahmed's comment.
Adnan: 'good because I'm taking you to see the fireworks okay?'
Me: 'okay,' I smiled. He's always got something planned and it isn't just a case of 'what do you want to do?' I mean it wouldn't be bad to have days where he says 'what do you want to do?' But I just like how he's already got something in mind.
Adnan: 'great, we leave for the fireworks at half 10'
Me: 'You're really excited then huh?' I laughed at his excitement.
Adnan: 'it's fireworks! Who isn't?' He chuckled 'can I come over at half 9?'
Me: 'of course'
Adnan: 'I've got to get back to training but I'll see you tonight, I love you'
Me: 'work hard,' I teased 'I love you too'
Adnan: 'of course' he laughed before hanging up.

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