Chapter 35

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Adnan has been dropping me little texts all day saying how much he loves me. It was adorable and my heart kept doing little back flips. This boy makes me melt.

"HANNAH!" Zara's voice entered my room.



I finished applying my mascara and checked myself over in the mirror. A laced-grey, knee-length dress with black tights and black heels and a black headscarf.

"You look gorgeous," Zara whispered before letting me meet Adnan.
I whispered a thank you back to her.

Adnan's eyes scanned me over, "You look beautiful."
I whispered a thank you into his shoulder when he came over to hug me and boy he smelt good. The butterflies erupted in the pit of my stomach, I'm always nervous to see Adnan, I just get excited before I see him.
"You look handsome, you know you practically kill me inside when you wear suits," I grinned.
Kissing my forehead, he chuckled, "Guess I should wear them more often then," he winked.

He took my hand in his and led me to his car. Shutting the door after me once I was in. What a gentleman.

"I hope your hungry," picking my hand up in his, he grinned.
"Starving," I laughed.
He chuckled, "Good because we're going out to eat."

He wouldn't tell me the name of the restaurant until we pulled up in the parking lot and even then I couldn't remember the name of the place.

We walked in and were greeted by the staff at the door who took us to our table immediately once Adnan told them his name and his reservation for the night.

"This place is gorgeous," I gawked. There were chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, giving out plenty of light and the walls were painted a baige colour.

"I'm glad you like it," He laughed.
"I do," I giggled, "but you didn't have to bring me here Adnan," I blushed.
"I wanted to take my girl out for a fancy meal and it's not like we go out for a fancy meal on every date," he said and I nodded.
"Well thank you," I smiled at the beautiful boy sat in front of me.
"Anything for you Hannah," He kissed the top of my hand.


"Yes?" lifting my head up I could see that Adnan was burning to ask about something, his eyes say it all.
"You get lost when you look into my eyes don't you?"
"Uhh," I stuttered due to feeling my cheeks heat up, "yes."
"I can tell," He laughed.
"I fell in love with your eyes when I first officially met you," I mentioned.
"Really?" Nodding, I took another sip of my coke.
"It sounds sad, but I fell in love with you when I hadn't even met you but I just couldn't help it because you're my favourite football player and I sort of had a big obsession with you," I giggled, "but when I met you face to face, your eyes were the first things that I noticed and I fell in love straight away."
He was gazing at me with a cute smile formed on his lips.
Taking my hand in his he kept our gaze, "I fell in love with your eyes first too," he admitted.
"I love you," I blushed.
"I love you more than words can describe, you have the most beautiful soul I know," Leaning across the table, he placed his lips on mine.
My whole body tingled.
"And I love how you fangirl over me, it's the cutest thing," he whispered, leaning away.
"I can't help it," I giggled and blushed.
"I love it," he winked.
I grinned, "good."
"My mum can't wait to see you," he mentioned.
"I can't wait to see her! I haven't seen her in a month," I said rather excitedly.
"I'm so glad my mum loves you," he smiled.
"I'm glad because I love her too!" I laughed, "we get along great."


After our meal, we went back to Adnan's house.

"My parents are out."
"The house is too quiet," I laughed.

You know his parents are out when the house is completely quiet.

"They've gone to visit my dads friend whose here for a few days," he walked me up the stairs.
"That's cute," I smiled.
"I'm sorry to be the biggest buzzkill but can we just go to bed? I'm knackered," he chuckled.
I gave him a smile, "yeah, you don't need to ask me just get into bed," I laughed as he pulled the covers back and lay down, "are you okay?"
His eyes never left me as I crawled in beside him and pulled the cover over us, "yeah, I just haven't slept properly like all month," he wrapped his arm around me and let me lay my head on his chest.
"Why not?"
"Because I was worried about us, worried that I'd lost you," he told me truthfully.
Snuggling into him I took his hand in mine, "well me too but you look exhausted compared to me," I laughed, "I'm still here," I kissed his chest.
He placed a kiss on my forehead, "I'm still here and I don't plan on going anywhere without you," he breathed.
"Same here," looking up, our eyes met and so did our lips.

How did I get so lucky? I'm used to the fact that I'm dating Adnan Januzaj, the fangirling still creeps up now and then but he makes me happy, like genuinely happy, happier than anyone has ever made me feel and the love I have for him is unconditional.

Waiting on the wonderkidحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن