Chapter 15

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Sleep took over me after my shower, at around half 3 and I slept right through until 9pm.

I could hear Ahmed speaking to someone and then someone was shaking me.

"What?" I groaned.
"It's time to wake up Han," Ahmed spoke.
"I don't feel well."
"You need to wake up, come on," his voice soft, I just groaned at him.
"You need to wake up baby," Adnan's voice soft.
I opened my eye and took a hold of his hand "hi."
"Hi babe... Will you wake up? We can watch a movie," Adnan offered.
"Sure," I mumbled and got up slowly.
Ahmed quickly moved his hand to my head "Han you're burning up."
"I've been like this for a few hours."
"We're getting cocodamol down you."
"No, that's going to make me even more sleepier," I complained.
"Paracetamol it is then," Ahmed disappeared downstairs.

"What's wrong?" Adnan sat himself next to me.
I shook my head at him "I feel sick please don't make me talk."
"Okay," he pulled me into his lap and held me close to him.

Ahmed re-appeared with a glass of water and paracetamol 2 minutes later.
I took the paracetamol and returned to my position in Adnan's lap.

Ahmed held his hand out to me "Let's go downstairs."
Without saying a word, I took his hand as he led me downstairs with Adnan following behind.

I sat down in the middle of the sofa as Adnan sat on my left and placed his arm around me, letting me rest my head against his shoulder. Ahmed handed Adnan the remote to find a movie while he got munchies from the kitchen.

Adnan flicked through the channels and stopped on Sky Premiere just before Ahmed walked back in with a big bag of chilli heatwave Doritos, chocolate cake and two big bottles of orange juice.

"What are we watching?" He asked, setting the food down onto the table.
"The Amazing Spider-Man 2," Adnan responded before looking down at me "do you want to watch Spider-Man?"
I nodded my head.
Spider-Man is one of my favourite movies.

Adnan offered me some orange juice half way through the movie but I declined the offer.
"You need to drink something babe," he held the bottle in front of me.
I stared at him for a moment before taking the bottle from his hand and taking the smallest sip.
"You need to drink more than that baby."
I took a few more big sips from the bottle before moving forward and placing it on the table.
"Have you eaten anything?" I shook my head.
"Pizza or subway?"
"Han you need to eat," Adnan kissed my forehead.

"Subway," I replied after several seconds. I did not feel like pizza at all.
"Okay baby," he placed another kiss on my forehead.

I got teary eyed yet again at the ending of Spider-Man. So emotional.
Ahmed left to go and get us subway, he wanted Adnan to stay with me.

"Did you fall asleep after your shower?" I nodded.
"I'm so sorry, how was the match?"
"Don't be sorry Han," he gave me a quick kiss "despite drawing, it was good, it felt good to be back on the pitch," I could hear the relief and excitement in his voice.
"I can tell," a light giggle escaped my lips "you played great today babe," I said, leaning up to kiss him.
"I think I gave you my illness."
"No you never, I've got a headache, sore throat and ears, a temperature and I feel sick, it's just one of those colds," I lay my head in his lap.
"I hope it's not my virus because I don't want you to have that, it's awful," he ran his fingers through my hair; tangling pieces around his finger.
"What time have you been here since?"
"I came here as soon as we got back but went home to shower and change when Ahmed told me you were asleep and I came back here straight after," he told me.
"You should have woken me up," I said.
"No you looked peaceful."
"What is it with you and Ahmed man," I laughed.
"Sorry I'll get used to waking you up without hesitation one day," he laughed, causing me to stick my tongue out to him.

Ahmed arrived with our subway 20 minutes later. Whenever we all have subway, Ahmed always goes to the halal subway because he likes to have the chicken sub. He went to the halal subway because that's the only subway that's open until late. Ahmed and Adnan had the chicken sub whilst I had the meatball sub, it sounded more appetising than tuna did when we were ordering.

By the time we finished watching Spider-Man and had our subway it was 1:30am.

"Bed time," I said quietly as my eyes started to shut.
"Let's get you into bed," Adnan said.
We said goodnight to Ahmed and made our way into my room.

I changed into my jogging bottoms and hoodie as I was shivering and Adnan changed out of his clothes leaving himself in nothing but his boxers. HOT! I cannot even contain myself right now. Keep it together Hannah, keep it together.
"Are you getting in or what?" I heard Adnan chuckle.
Shit. I've just been staring at his body.
"Uh yeah, sorry," I blushed and quickly got into bed, hiding my face in his shoulder as he pulled me into him.
He laughed before whispering "it's all yours Han," and with that he kissed my lips and turned my bedside lamp off.

"I love you Hannah," he whispered.
"I love you too Adi," I whispered back.

With that I fell asleep.

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