Chapter 10

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As I made my way downstairs, I heard Gani in the kitchen so I entered half of my body into the kitchen as she noticed my presence.
"Come in, it's your house now too Hannah," she gestured me to enter the kitchen.
"Thank you," I blushed. "I've just brought these cups down from Adnan's room," I set the cups down by the sink.
"Thank you, I will wash them in a bit."
"I could wash them now? That way you wouldn't have to do them later," I wanted to be helpful.
"Oh no Hannah, you are a guest in our house, it's fine," she smiled.
"I don't mind, I want to help."
She hesitated before making a decision "Go on then, I can get started on the dinner while you wash the cups," she smiled.
"Thank you," I grinned.
"No, thank you."

I started washing the cups as Gani was cutting vegetables on the other side of the kitchen. Their kitchen was pretty big compared to the kitchen in my house.

"How are your brothers?" Gani asked after a few minutes.
"They're good thank you."
"And how are your mother and father?"
"They're good I think, I haven't spoken to them all week," my voice quietened.
"Oh how come?" Concern rose in Gani's voice.
"I haven't had time since we got back to Manchester, I was busy with moving in and fixing the house up," I answered.
"Oh yes! Adnan told me you lived with your brothers, I don't mean to be nosey but may I ask why?"
"No you're not being nosey," I giggled "My brothers and I were born here in Manchester and we wanted to move back because it was home and everything was here. I mean we could start a new life in Wales but my brothers couldn't get the jobs there that they have here," I explained "my parents wanted to stay in Wales and thought it would be good if us three lived together, to gain some experience of living 'independently'," I made inverted comma's with my fingers.
"Oh. Well honey don't worry, if you or your brothers ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask us okay?" Her voice was comforting.
"Okay," I sent her a warm smile "thank you so much, you've been nothing but lovely to me and I've only spoken to you ten minutes," I was thankful.
"Hannah you don't need to thank me, you're always welcome in this house. I haven't seen Adnan this happy for a while, you mean the world to him and I'm going to do my best to make you feel at home," she came over and hugged me.
"Thank you," I hugged her back tightly.
"The match will be on soon, you should go and check if he's awake, he'll want you to watch it with him," she glanced at the clock that hung from the wall before squeezing me tightly one last time.
"I can check on him and then help you finish off cooking?"
"Hannah, you've done more than enough in the past two hours," she giggled.
"Alright, if you need me-"
"I will call you," she finished my sentence with a smile.

I crept back in to Adnan's room.
"You don't need to be quiet Hannah," Adnan laughed, startling me.
"Oh my gosh Adnan! You scared me," I broke into a fit laughter.
"Sorry baby," he laughed and gestured me to join him in bed.
"I was quiet because I thought you were still asleep," I giggled as I got into bed and snuggled next to him.
He kissed my cheek "cutie."
"You woke up in time for the match," I poked his cheek.
"Can't miss the match," he poked me back.
"What did you do whilst I was asleep?"
"I cleaned the wrappers and cups from your room, washed the cups and helped your mum cook," I proudly stated.
"She's kept you busy then," he laughed "you can cook?" His facial expressions showed shock.
"Yeah, it was fun and no but I'm learning," I gave him a shy grin.
"Take your time, wouldn't want you to give me food poisoning," he laughed.
"I just won't cook for you then," i grunted and shoved my hand in his face.
He laughed and grabbed my hand "You can cook for me whenever you like," he kissed my hand.
I smirked "Maybe."
"Cheeky," he laughed before pecking my lips and grabbing the remote control from the bedside table.
"Match time," I squealed as he looked at me in a weird way. "What?"
"You're overly excited," he stated.
"Sorry, we're playing Newcastle! I'm nervous and excited because we need to beat them and I have nothing but positivity for this match!" I explained my excitement before laughing "and it's the first time we're watching a match together," I clapped my hands.
"And I wouldn't want to watch it any other way," he placed a small kiss on the tip of my nose.

Once the match was on, there was no other conversation. The only words spoken between us were our celebrations for the goals, our frustration during the match and our opinions on players. I loved it, I love how engaged in the football we were that we didn't need to have a full conversation to keep each other happy because we were comfortable exactly how we were. I wouldn't ask for more.

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