Chapter 2

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Old Trafford.
It looks beautiful.
I took in the sight before I was pulled away by the arm. Saeed had a tight grip on my arm, I think it was because he didn't want to lose me.
We found our seats; I was sat in between my brothers. I took in the atmosphere of everyone arriving and patiently waited.

Ahmed was taking selfies on snapchat in which Saeed and I photo bombed with funny poses before taking selfies on our own phones.
The players came running out of the tunnel and I quickly locked my phone.
I noticed Adnan walk out of the tunnel but he wasn't making his way onto the pitch... He was making his was to the dugout. I let out a sigh.
It's ridiculous. I understand that there are new players, better players but how do you expect Adnan to improve if he's barely on the pitch. He hasn't started a single game yet; only coming on as a sub.
My eye was on Adnan. He's so hot, his face is so perfect. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a nudge on my arm.
''Stop dreaming about lover boy,'' Saeed laughed. ''You can fangirl about him all you like after the match,'' he whispered, making me giggle.

The first half was shit. Our defence was lacking badly and the players were slacking. Groans could be heard all around, frustration was evident.
Second half was underway. The defence was still ridiculous.
GOAL!! Finally! Mata has broken the tension and frustration in the stadium & probably for those watching at home too. A few minutes after Mata's goal I noticed Adnan taking his jacket and trousers off, revealing his kit, he was making his way to the side of the pitch. Seconds later a sign was held up for a substitution, Young off and Januzaj on.
I let out a squeal, finally.
''My baby is on,'' I told the boys with a grin on my face.
''Your baby better not be shit today,'' Ahmed groaned.
''Well he can't always be amazing. Even legends have shit games,'' I stated. I was sick of people judging Adnan because he hardly plays and when he does play he doesn't make a difference. The people judging him were all praising him last season when he made a difference on the pitch.

The game ended 1-0 to United. It wasn't the best game but we still conceded 3 points and that's all we need really.

''I'm so glad we won, it won't have me in a bad mood for football tomorrow,'' Ahmed said making Saeed and I both laugh. ''Well you're no fun angry,'' Saeed added in, sticking his tongue out to Ahmed.

''Shut up,'' Ahmed laughed, nudging him.

We were stuck in this gigantic crowd which was moving so slowly. 

Saeed grabbed Ahmed an I from our elbows and clearly said ''I'm going to run over to the chippy and get us something to eat because I can't be bothered cooking and I know neither of you are going to cook so go and wait for me by the players exit.'' 

I looked at him confused. 


''Why by the players exit?''

''So you're away from this massive crowd and so it's easier for me to find you stupid,'' he stated before turning around ''Go and wait there, I'll try to be quick,'' and wiht that he vanished into what seemed like an endless queue of heads. 

''Come on Han,'' Ahmed pulled me from my elbow.

''Imagine we see the players,'' he paused ''Imagine you see Januzaj,'' his mouth formed an 'o' shape.

''I can't say its impossible because it's right after the match and they're bound to walk out at sometime but we'll probably miss them,'' I let out a sigh. I've lived in Manchester nearly my entire life and I've only ever met Rio Ferdinand, Ryan Giggs and Wayne Rooney. 

''I'll know if you see him because you'll scream really loudly or faint,'' He snickered. I slapped him on the shoulder and glared at him. 

Ahmed took his phone out, probably to reply to his girlfriend. Ahmed and Saaed have girlfriends and they are both beautiful and lovely to me. Although Ahmed's girlfriend, Zara, can be a bitch sometimes and you'll know when she is. 

Currently, I was walking infront of ahmed, so that I was facing him. I noticed the place become quieter and felt the cold hit my cheeks. There were few voices around us; probably waiting for the players to come out.

Something hit my back causing me to jump. Quickly whipping my body around I noticed shoes and that's when I realised I walked into someone. ''I'm so sorry,'' I gushed. Looking up, I froze. OH MY GOSH!... OH MY GOSH! I'VE JUST BUMPED INTO THE ONE AND ONLY ADNAN JANUZAJ! MY CRUSH, MY LOVE. I CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE JUST WALKED INTO HIM! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!

''Oh my gosh,'' I breathed. ''You're Adnan Januzaj,'' and with that I saw Ahmed's head shoot up from the corner of my eye. ''It's such a great pleasure meeting you, I love you so much,'' I rambled.

''Yeaah, excuse my sister, she has a massive crush on you. It's great to meet you,'' He filled in to stop me from embarrassing myself. 

''Sorry,'' I felt stupid, I could feel my cheeks burning up.

''It's okay, It's nice to meet you too...?''

''Hannah,'' I smiled sheepishly. ''This is my brother Ahmed,'' I introduced him.

''Its nice to meet you both, were you at the match?'' He was ever so kind.

''Yeah it was good,'' Ahmed said.

''You played amazing,'' I quickly added in.

''Thank you, I try my best,'' He laughed. Oh gosh! His laugh is the hottest thing ever. 

''GUYS!'' I heard Saeed call from behind us.

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