Chapter 17

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Rolling over, I noticed the other side of the bed was empty.....Adnan's awake. I felt my stomach rumble and that's all it took for me too run to the bathroom and throw up.
Minutes later I'm dragging my self back to bed, I dropped face down onto my bed and groaned.
"How are you feeling Hannah?" A familiar voice spoke.
Letting out a groan I turned over to see Gani stood at the end of my bed "not good," I whispered.
"I've made you breakfast," she announced.
"Thank you but I can't eat."
"Hannah honey, you need to eat, this won't get better any other way," she sat in the open space next to me and rubbed my back.
"Let's get you downstairs, your parents are here but it would be a good idea to have breakfast first," she revealed.
"My parents... They're here already?" My voice trembled.
"Yes, they've been here for a good hour but we didn't wake you up because you needed to sleep," she kissed my forehead.
"I don't want to see them," I said shaking my head.
She put her arm around me and cuddled into me "It would be good to see them, it's going to be okay," she kissed my forehead "come on," she got up and held her hand out for me which I took.


The journey to the kitchen was a quiet one due to feeling sick but also due to avoiding the atmosphere in the front room. Gani followed me into the kitchen and placed a plate in front of me.

It hadn't even occured to me how Gani got here or why she was even here until after I finished eating.

"Gani, what are you doing here?"

"Adnan came home this morning to get extra clothes and told me what happened yesterday so I jumped in the car with him, I'm here to look after you and then I found out your parents were here so I've been speaking to them, Ahmed doesn't seem so pleased with the idea of them being here," she explained.

"Oh right, speaking of Adnan, where is he?" I giggled.

She giggled "In that room," she pointed to the front room.

Adnan is in the same room as my parents... oh no... what if he's said he's my boyfriend, what if Ahmed has completely lost it and opened his mouth. I quickly got up and made my way to the front room, I took a hold of the door knob before twisting it seconds after and walking straight in.

"Hannah!" My mum cried and got up to hug me. She approached me and put her arms around me and for some reason I still flinched, my mum realised and quickly put her arms back by her side and looked at me, shame and guilt written all over her, she retook her seat next to my dad who was just looking at me.

"How have you been Hannah?" My dad's voice hard.
"I've been good... How have you both been?" My voice quiet as I took a seat next to Ahmed. Adnan and Luke sat on the sofa next to us.

Gani walked in a while after with a tray of tea, sugar and biscuits.
"Thank you," My mother spoke "Who are you again? Sorry, I don't see how you know my daughter."
I just looked at Gani, hoping she didn't reveal anything.
"I'm Adnan's mother and I know your daughter through my son as him and Ahmed are friends," She covered.
A sigh of relief washed over me as Ahmed put his arm around me.
"We're fine on our own," Ahmed stated.
"Hannah, you look very pale, is everything okay?" Mum asked.
I looked at her for a few seconds before replying "Yes I'm fine, I've just got a cold."
"When is Saeed going to be back?" Dad asked, Ahmed and I looked at each other for some sort of sign.
"Two weeks," I replied.
"He's left you two alone for three weeks?" Dad said, his voice becoming angry.
"But we're fine."
"You're coming back with us," Dad announced.
Ahmed gave them both a look of stone as I stared at them in panic.
"Why?" my voice shaky.
"Because Saeed isn't here to look after you and I am not having you two live on your own," Dad said.
"We're not on our own, we have each other, we have Luke and his family and we have Adnan and his parents," Ahmed responded.
"They are not your family!" Dad shouted, his voice full of complete anger.
"AND NEITHER ARE YOU!" That's it Ahmed has lost it.
Gani and Adnan looked astonished and shocked at what was happening right now, Luke on the other hand was stood in between Ahmed and I, trying to calm Ahmed down.
"But parents don't do what you did," my voice came out quieter than I expected.
"It was an accident!" My dad let out a frustrated.
Ahmed's stare was intense, he laughed at my dad's comment "That was no accident!"
My dad let out a stifled laugh "No, it wasn't an accident, she deserved it!" He glared at me and I instantly felt sick, I felt a panic attack coming on.
Ahmed's tone became calmer "Are you going to apologise for what you did?" He looked between our parents.
"We don't need to apologise," My dad said.
"Then why are you here?"
"To take you home."
"This is our home!" Ahmed groaned.
"You can barely look after yourself Ahmed, how are you supposed to look after your sister," My dad sniggered.
"He's looked after me all of this time! He was the one who put me to sleep at night because you were too busy. Ahmed's the one who looked after me every single time I came home with bruises on me and he was amazing after what you did," I spat.
"Because he knew you were a stupid little girl just seeking attention! You were doing wrong!" My dad shouted.
"I may have been a stupid little girl but when I told you and mum you didn't care about what he did to me you just cared about the fact that I had a boyfriend. What kind of parents do that to their child? You made the situation worse and I may have done wrong but I know my sins and I don't need anyone else to count mine when they've committed sins too," my voice becoming louder by the second.
"You were only fourteen Hannah, we were shocked, we wanted to protect you!" Mum argued.
"I think that is enough," Gani said getting up.
"This is none of your business," My dad snapped at her.
"Don't speak to my mother like that," Adnan stood up.
"What are you going to do? You think you're a professional footballer? You're just a little kid with no talent," My dad laughed.
"STOP!" I shouted "You came here for Saeed, well Saeed isn't here and Ahmed and I are fine with how we are and my boyfriend-" my dad cut me off.
"-BOYFRIEND?!" His face turned red.
"- is a great professional footballer thank you very much, he is extremly talented," I finished.
"YOU ARE COMING BACK WITH US RIGHT NOW!" my dad moved towards me and took a hold of my wrist.
"GET OFF OF HER!" Adnan, Luke and Ahmed yelled at the same time.
"I'm not going anywhere with you, I'm not going back to that person I was, the girl that was always afraid of coming home, the girl who was always being yelled at because she wasn't getting amazing grades, I'm done with all of that. You're my parents and I love you regardless of what happened that night, I love you both deeply but I can't go back there," I said, wriggling in his tight hold.
"You are not having a boyfriend!" My dad spat.
"Leave her be, they're both fine here and we came to check up on them, we can't take her back after what we've done," My mum said in a low voice to my dad.
"I am ashamed to call you my daughter," My dad commented before walking out of the door; my heart sunk.
"Hannah, I know what we did was wrong but I wouldn't want you back to live with us, you're safer here," She said squeezing my arm and then Ahmed's before following our dad.

I stood staring blankly at the floor.
"Hannah-" Ahmed's voice soft as he walked up behind me. I quickly turned into his chest and let the tears flow, he wrapped his arms around me and I'm sure I heard him sobbing too.
"Shh it's okay," He whispered.
"I c-can't believe he said that to me, he's my dad!" I sobbed into his chest.
"He's a monster Hannah, he doesn't care about the feelings of others, I'm not leaving you okay," He whispered the last part.
"You've got us Hannah, you don't need them, we're your family and we will do everything for you," Luke said coming beside me.
"Your father had no right in saying that," Gani spoke, shock still plastered on her face.
"That's our dad for you," Ahmed said.
"Come here Hannah," Gani pulled me out of Ahmed's grip and into her warm arms as she sat us both down on the sofa.

I noticed Adnan crouch down in front of me, his left hand placed on my left knee. His voicecame out quiet "Hannah, you said you came home with bruises on you," His face looked pale and his voice a whisper "did..." he paused "did your ex-boyfriend hit you?" He looked me right in the eye and I nodded. He looked mortified and so did Gani.

No one said a word for a while, it was a comfortable silence and I was glad because I didn't want to talk.

"What did your parents do?" His voice hard.
"n-nothing," I trembled.
"Hannah, baby, you can tell me," He placed his hand ontop of mine and rubbed it.
My eyes shot to Ahmed who nodded.
"Um.... well my ex used to hit me because he was jealous of the fact that I used to talk to other guys who were just Luke and these two other boys, he hated the idea of me talking to them and he became obsessed with the idea that I was cheating on him and me being an idiot forgave him for the first time because it wasn't like him but it happened a second time and it slowly became a constant thing and the second time it happened I turned up at home with a bruise on my cheek which I tried to hide but Ahmed noticed and made me tell him and then he went balistic, he was on his way to batter him but was stopped by Saeed on his way and that's how Saeed found out. I came home one evening with two or three bruises around my face and my mum noticed and then she went and told my dad but Saeed explained the situation to them yet they didn't even care that I was in an abusive relationship, they only cared that I had a boyfriend because apparently they've planned who they want us to marry already. That night a massive argument broke out between my parents and Ahmed and Saeed which was also the night that my parents battered me because I had a boyfriend," I explained, sobbing throughout at the memories.
"Oh my gosh!" Gani gasped.
Adnan sat with his gaze focused on me, his face still pale and his eyes watery.
"That's the story," I whispered.
"Your own parents hit you..." Adnan said in disbelief.
Gani pulled me closer to her and kissed my forehead, she was shedding tears too "You're safe with us Hannah," she whispered.
"Can I speak to Hannah alone please?" Adnan asked, his voice broken.
Gani, Luke and Ahmed left the room, shutting the door behind them. Adnan got up from the floor and sat next to me.

"I can't believe you had to go through all of that," His voice a whisper.

"It's happened now."

He used one hand to grab a hold of my left hand and placed his other hand underneath my chin as he turned me to face him "Hannah I am never ever going to hurt you, I can't raise my hand to a woman, it's wrong. I love you so much that just hearing of what you had to go through has broken my heart. No secrets ever," He spoke.
"I'm so glad I have you Adnan," I sobbed as I put both of my arms around his neck and he pulled me into his lap "No secrets ever, I love you," my sobs continued.
"I love you so much, I am going to do everything in power to keep you safe for as long as I am alive, I won't let anything or anyone hurt you!" He said.
"I'm so lucky to have you," I kissed him passionately.
"I think I'm luckier," He made a shocked face.
"Lies," I giggled.
"I am," He poked his tongue out. "You don't know what you mean to me Hannah," He was staring into my eyes right now.
"You don't know what you mean to me Adnan," Our foreheards were leaning against each other as my hands played with the back of his hair whilst one of his hands was roaming my hair and the other was placed on my back.
"He lost an amazing girl," Adnan commented.
"Good because otherwise I wouldn't have found you, my everything," I responded to his comment.
"I love you," He crashed his lips to mine.

We spent the next fifteen minutes sat in silence; my head resting on his shoulder. It was good. I'm so thankful for Adnan, he is so understanding.

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