Chapter 24

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Zara and I followed Gani up to her room while Adnan and Ahmed put the TV on downstairs.

Gani and Abedin's room was a bit bigger than Adnan's, they had a double dark brown wardrobe placed against the right side of the wall, before the bathroom door, with a big single dark brown wardrobe beside it. Their kingsized bed lay in the middle of the room with the head pressed to the wall behind it.
"Your room is so big!" Zara gawked.
"Their whole house is so big!" I laughed.
"It is a bit too big but this was the only one left when we got here," she informed us, walking over to the double wardrobe and pulling the doors open.
Well at least I know who that belongs to know haha.

She started running her hand through the clothes in her wardrobe and pulled a few out to show us. Zara and I disagreed on the first few as they didn't suit the night that was planned but then she pulled out this beautiful tight black dress.
"THIS ONE!" I shouted, pointing my hand at the dress, "I'm in love with it," I expressed my feelings.
"Change into that Gani," Zara ushered her into the bathroom.

"I need to get myself a dress like that because that it H O T," i emphasised to Zara as we waited for Gani to change.
"Adnan would love you in that dress," she winked at me.
"Shut up," I blushed.
"It's true!" She laughed.

Gani walked out minutes later and my jaw dropped, I think Zara's did too.
"Gani...." Zara started.
"You look so hot in that dress!" I told her.
"Thank you girls," she blushed.
The black dress, which was laced with gold, fit her perfectly, it wasn't too tight and it wasn't too baggy so she didn't have to worry about showing anything while she was out. It ended just above her ankles.

"Let's do your makeup," Zara said as Gani pulled her makeup out and set it on the dresser whilst I lay on the bed because I couldn't do makeup at all, it just wasn't my thing.
Gani sat at the dressing table and let Zara give her a makeover.

"Are you excited?" I asked her.
"Very, I'm always excited when we go out on dates. I'm married to him but every moment I'm with him my heart skips a beat and I fall in love with him more every second, I mean we could be cooking dinner or just sat watching TV but my heart is a fool for him," she clarified her love for him.
"That's so cute!!" Zara squealed.
"That brought a tear to my eye," I wiped under my eyes as I felt the water prick me.
"I see it in you two all of the time," she told us, "I see it in Ahmed and Adnan all of the time, you're four lucky children," her voice showed that she genuinely meant it.
"I wouldn't ask for better people in my life," I told them.

It was quiet for a moment as Zara focused on Gani's eyes.

"Hannah?" Zara called.
"Are you ready?"
"For what?" I was genuinely confused on what she was talking about.
"For Zakir's wedding?"
"YES!! I cannot wait! I'm so excited for him!" I breathed.
Zara's brother Zakir got engaged last year and the wedding is coming up soon.
"Whose wedding is that?" Gani asked.
"My brother's," Zara said proudly.
"Thank you," she grinned.
"When's the wedding?"
"I think the date is set for some time in late February or March," she shrugged.
"Have you got dressed yet?"
"Not yet," Zara spoke for the both of us, "My mum has planned a trip to Birmingham for shopping for Hannah and I and herself, would you like to come with us?"
"Oh no honey, thank you for being so kind but I don't want to intrude on family shopping-" Zara cut her off.
"- don't be silly Gani, you and my mum would get along perfectly," she reassured her.
"Are you sure?" Gani asked hesitantly.
"Yea! It would be great if you came," I told her.
"I will come then!" She smiled, "when has your mum planned to go?"
"This weekend," Zara laughed.
"Oh great! I'm excited. I haven't been Asian dress shopping in a good few years," she said.
"It'll be fun," I smiled.
"Right..." Zara spoke slowly as she checked over Gani's face to see if she left anything out, "you are ready."
Gani stood up and walked to the mirror on her wardrobe and looked at her appearance, "I love it! Thank you so much Zara!" She grinned.
"Abedin won't be able to take his eyes off of you," Zara said, packing away Gani's makeup.
"Oh! Thank you girls!" She pulled us both in for a group hug "I haven't looked this pretty in ages," she thanked us.
"That's not true, you always look pretty Gani," I informed her.
"Aw thank you Hannah!" She hugged me tightly.
"You two are truly little girls I never had," she kissed us both on the forehead and went over to place her feet in a pair of black heels.
"Let's get you downstairs," Zara spoke as she opened the door.

Abedin was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with Ahmed and Adnan either side of him. He looked handsome, he was dressed in a black suit with a white shirt.
His face lit up when he saw Gani walking down the stairs, it was the cutest thing.

"You look beautiful," he breathed.
"You look handsome," she winked.

"You both look lovely," Ahmed complimented.
"Thank you," Abedin took the compliment.
"Have a good time tonight," Zara smiled.
"You look beautiful mama and dad you look sharp," Adnan laughed as he kissed his mother on the cheek.
"Zara and Ahmed feel free to spend the night," Abedin said as he and Gani headed to the door.
"Yes, you're more than welcome to stay," Gani smiled at them.
"Thank you," Zara responded.

Neither of them could stop grinning at each other and the way Abedin made Gani blush was adorable.

When they walked out of the door I walked over to Adnan who wrapped his arms around my waist.
"They're so cute mashallah," I smiled at him.
He laughed "they are."
"Take notes okay Adi because I want to be doing that at their age," I stuck my tongue out to him.
"I've already taken notes," he winked "it is cute," he agreed.

The four of us sat watching TV.

"Are you two spending the night?" I asked.
"We'll go home," Ahmed said.
"Its late now and the conditions outside aren't the best, you should just stay," Adnan insisted.
"I feel rude," Zara said embarrassed.
"Don't feel rude," Adnan laughed, "You're more than welcome to stay and don't think you're intruding or anything," he reassured them.
"We'll stay because I can't be bothered driving back, I don't feel well," Ahmed informed us.
"Great, the guest room is already set up so you can just get comfy whenever," Adnan winked.
"Ew!" I slapped his arm.
"It's a part of life," Adnan laughed.
"Yeah let's not have this conversation about you two whilst I'm in the room," Ahmed shut his ears making us all laugh.

We spent the next twenty minutes watching what was remaining of Holby City because of Zara.
I only just realised that we had spent 3 and a half hours getting Gani dolled up and then spent an hour and a half watching TV and talking as it was now 9:30pm.

"I'm going to bed," I yawned.
"Already?" Zara asked.
"I'm shattered," I laughed.
"You haven't done anything productive to make you feel shattered," she said.
I shrugged my shoulders "I don't feel as well," I said. This caused Zara and Ahmed to look at each other.
"Night," I got up.
"I'll be up in a bit," Adnan told me, "do you want anything to drink?"
"No thanks."

On my way to Adnan's room, I pulled my phone out to text Saeed.

'Me: hey, Ahmed, Zara and I are staying over Adnan's'

He replied almost instantly.

'Saeed👓: Okay. Ariana's sleeping over ours. I'll see you guys in the morning?'
'Me: I was planning on spending the day with Adnan... Is that okay?'
'Saeed👓: yeah that's fine..... Han?'
'Me: yeah?'
'Saeed👓: I'm sorry'
'Me: shut up, stop saying sorry!'
'Saeed👓: I feel like I've let you down'
'Me: Well you haven't okay so stop putting yourself down about it'
'Saeed👓: you're the best sister ever, you know that right?'
'Me: of course💁'
'Saeed👓: 😂 I'll speak to you tomorrow'
'Me: good night'

I brought no pyjamas with me today.

'Me: I've left my pjs at home😭 can I borrow something?'
'Adnan😍💕👌: 😂 yeah, wear whatever you want'
'Me: thank you baby😘'
'Adnan😍💕👌: what's mine is yours sweetheart👫'
'Me: cutie☺️😘'
'Adnan😍💕👌: anything for the love of my life❤️'
'Me: I love you'
'Adnan😍💕👌: I love you too. I'll be up in a few xx'

Leaving my phone on the bedside table, I went to wander through Adnan's wardrobe. Minutes later I found cute grey jogging bottoms which turned out to be really comfortable and I slipped on one of his white shirts. I was cold and extremely tired, his jogging bottoms and shirt kept me warm as I drifted off.

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