Chapter 59

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We were sat on the sofa opposite Van Gaal and Giggs, with his agent to the left side of us and Adnan's parents on the right side.

"How was the beach house?" Ryan asked.

"It was beautiful!" I grinned, "You're so lucky to have a place like that."

"Thank you, I'm glad you liked it."

"Adnan, I have sat down Alex Ferguson and Giggs and we have talked about you so that we could come up with a decision. We have decided that you do need the game time and you need to further develop," Van Gaal started.

I'm pretty sure that everyone sat in this room right now could hear my heart beat.

I noticed that Adnan was restless as he kept shaking his leg lightly so I put my hand over his left knee and surprisingly he stopped shaking. With that I crashed my body further into his.

"All of the scouts were impressed by you during last weeks training session. Everton and QPR wanted to buy you but the three of us decided that we want you to stay at United but considering the lack of game time that you have been given this season we came to the conclusion that we would give you out on loan for the next season and then the following season you will come straight back to Manchester United. Now, the only team offering to take you out on loan is PSG because the others wanted to buy you. It's your choice but I think you will benefit a lot from a trip to PSG," Van Gaal finished.

It was silent until Ryan spoke and I could tell that Adnan was thinking over his decision.

"It's your choice Adnan. You don't have to leave United but we all honestly believe that this is your chance, your chance to receive the game time you deserve as well as being able to develop. We all believe in you," Ryan spoke.

It fell silent again before Adnan's voice came out quietly yet confidently, "'ll go to PSG on loan."

My heart sank and the tears started rising in my eyes.

"Are you sure?" Ryan asked.

"Yes. Like you guys said, I need the game time and it's a chance for me to further develop. I want to come back to Manchester United the following season as a developed player."

"Congratulations on the new loan deal," Van Gaal expressed his happiness, "If you come to the stadium in an hour we will sign the papers and you can meet a few of the staff from the PSG team," He said as they got up.

"Thank you," Adnan spoke.

"Thank you for everything," Abedin spoke.

Ryan patted my shoulder, "Brighten up kid," He gave me a sympathetic smile to which I returned a smile and whispered a thanks.

"We'll see you in an hour Adnan," His agent called out a reminder before the three men left the house.

"Congratulations Adnan," Gani wrapped her arms around her son followed by Abedin who engulfed him into a hug.

"A new chapter in your career, this is a great opportunity son and we'll see you back at Manchester United before you know it."

Adnan thanked them before turning to me.

I forced a smile onto my face, "Congratulations!" I cheered. I was so happy for Adnan but I couldn't fight the thoughts that flooded my mind in a short space of time.

He pulled me into his chest and whispered a thank you into my hair.

"We'll be in the kitchen," Gani cleared her throat and a few seconds after the door closed.

"Hannah-" Adnan started as we pulled apart.

I stopped him before he could finish his sentence, "I'm happy for you Adnan. Heck, I'm excited for you regardless of the fact that my heart is hurting."

Silence settled between us.

"Come with me."

"Adnan I can't," I breathed.

"Hannah, I'll be gone for a year."

"I know but I can't just leave everything!" My voice became a little louder.

"I'm not asking you to leave everything. You're my fiancé, I can barely go a day without seeing you forget a year."

"Adnan I don't know how we're going to make it work. I don't think it will work, I can't go a year without seeing you," I was becoming frustrated at my own words.

"So you're not willing to give it a go?"

"What if I don't like living in Paris?"

"Hannah, it's worth a try and if you don't like it you can come back," He sighed.

"Adnan....I love you but I don't think I can do this," The tears were on edge right now.

"Han-" A car horn sounded from outside.

"I'm sorry Adnan."

I slid my engagement ring off of my finger and placed it in the palm of his right hand before whispering 'I'm sorry' and rushing out of the door.

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