Chapter 48

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So the FA cup is out of the way now. We lost to Arsenal, Di Maria got sent off and Adnan is now getting hate and being criticised because he dived. It's ridiculous.

Adnan has been down since last night about the whole diving incident and people critising him have made him feel worse so I posted my thoughts on instagram so that my followers could see and I had quite a few of Adnan's followers on my instagram.

I posted a picture that was taken during the match of Adnan speaking to the ref with Rooney behind him. - 'He's been called a cheater among other things and is apparently 'dragging United's name through the dirt'.... No he is not. He's not the only player to have ever dived in football history so stop acting like he is and stop acting like he's committed a crime. It's funny how you don't hate on other players when they dive so why are you hating on Adnan and criticising him? If you don't have anything nice to say then don't open your mouth at all, keep your comments to yourself. He doesn't deserve this hate it was just a slip up and in no way cheating so the media really need to knock down their cocky headlines because Adnan was not cheating and is in no way dragging United's name through the dirt. I understand that you need to come up with a story and a headline to go with it but don't accuse players of things that they didn't intentionally mean. For those of you who have criticised him and don't support United, you need to take a look at your own team because I am pretty sure that at least one player has dived before. Just because Adnan hasn't played many matches this season doesn't mean he's a shit player, it means that he just needs more practice so cut the guy some slack and stop criticising him, he's been receiving it since the beginning of this season and it's just unnecessary.'

There. I've had enough of it, I've been with Adnan since last night comforting him, he's been really upset.

"I wish I could take you with me today," he spoke softly as he came in for a hug.
"It'll be fine Adi," I gave him a small smile, "you can ring me or FaceTime on the way there."
"But it's not the same," he whined into my neck.
I kissed his cheek, "go and enjoy yourself!" I giggled, "have fun with your parents."
"It would be better if you were coming," he whined again.
"I've got school and its a family day trip," I laughed.
"You are family," Adnan spoke but another voice mingled in with his.
"Thank you," I smiled at my cute boyfriend and his beautiful mother.
"Hannah I wish I could take you but you have school but I promise to bring something back and next time we go we aren't leaving without you!" She pulled me in for a hug.
"It's okay," I smiled, "and no you don't have to bring me anything back! Just come back quickly!" I laughed.
"We will baby," Adnan kissed me and handed me my coat.

Ahmed was picking me up for college from Adnan's house so I left the same time they did.

"I'll see you later," I side hugged Adnan and then Gani and ran to Ahmed's car.
"Bye baby!", "bye Hannah!" They called.

"Morning Han," Jasmine trotted over to me.
"Morning," I spoke before taking on her appearance.
Her scarf was carelessly wrapped around her head and not pinned... she usually pins it, she won't leave the house until her scarf is pinned and her her outfit is on point.
"What happened to you?" I asked her as we entered the double doors.
"Stayed up doing Johnson's work," she whined.
"Idiot," I laughed.
"Shut up, we can't all concentrate like you," she slapped me in a joking way.
"Who said I can concentrate? And who said I've finished it? " I laughed.
"You rebel!" She laughed.

Psychology was a bore through today. Our first hour of the lesson got cancelled because the teacher wasn't in and the second hour consisted of nothing but going through our homework which took a lot of time.

My phone buzzed in my pocket.

'Adnan😍💕👌: I miss you Hannah😘'

This cutie!

'Me: I miss you too Adi🙊 I could have come with you today! First hour got cancelled and the second hour was boring😒'

'Adnan😍💕👌: never mind babe😂 next time😘'

'Me: yeah😘 what are you doing now?'

'Adnan😍💕👌: We've finished shopping and we're going out to eat.... My mum works fast when she's in the shopping zone😂 what are you doing?'

'Me: she works fast!😂 make sure you eat Adi😘 and Jasmine and I are in KFC waiting for Paddy'

'Adnan😍💕👌: I will and make sure you eat too okay baby. I'll speak to you later I love you x'

'Me: I love you xx'

"Hannah are you sure you don't want it?" Paddy asked.
I pushed my chicken box towards Paddy.
"I'm done just eat it," I stifled a laughed.
There were 8 pieces and I've eaten 5, there wasn't any room for anymore.
"So how's Adnan doing?" He asked whilst munching away at my left over chicken.
I sighed, "it's been difficult but he's good, I can tell it's been beating him up inside."
"He still hasn't quite grasped the fact that football players make mistakes all the time," Jasmine said, Paddy and I nodding.
"Bye Han, I'll see you Saturday!" Paddy called.
"Bye Han!" Jasmine called.
"Thanks Paddy, bye guys," I called as I made my way into my house.

"HAN!" Ahmed's voice called from the front room so that's where I made my way.
"Hello," I greeted my brothers, their girlfriends and my parents and they greeted me back.
"What are you doing on Sunday?" Saeed asked.
"Nothing why?"
A smile spread across his face, "Okay, you're going out with Ariana."
I smiled at Ariana who was sat next to him, "Cool, can Jasmine come?"
They quickly exchanged glances, "I've already asked her she said she's busy," she quickly answered.
"Alright. What about you Zara?"
"I would Han but I told my mum I'd help her cook," She quickly blurted out.
"It's fine," I smiled, "I want some food too okay," I laughed whilst pointing at her.
"It's rude to point Han," Ahmed snorted.
I glared at him, "Like you've never pointed at anyone before!" I made an astonished face.
"I know but I'm teaching you manners," He smirked.
"Please, my manners are much better than yours," My hand waved in front of his face.
"Shut up, you learnt your manners from me okay," He waved back at me.
"Shut up," I laughed, "I'm off to shower, bye," I spoke as I picked my bag up on my way to the door.
"Was wondering what that smell was," Ahmed commented and I spun around glaring at him, "Love youuuuu," He sang.

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