Chapter 33

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Adnan and I haven't spoken in three weeks. He tried to see me the day after but I stayed at Jasmine's house that night and Saeed told him I wouldn't be home for a while.
After staying at Jasmine's that night, Saeed came with me to Wales so I could fix things with my dad. It was difficult at first and had to put so much effort and energy into it because I wasn't giving up and Saeed encouraged me.
Saeed and Ahmed sorted everything out before we left for Wales and everything is back to normal now and I'm so happy about that. Saeed and I sorted everything out when we were on our way to Wales.

'Felli😎: Hey Hannah! Are you back yet? We're all going to Starbucks want to come with?'

Paddy told the boys where I was the past two weeks since they asked me to come out the day after I left and I wasn't replying to them.

'Me: Hey Felli! Yeah I'm back and I'd love too! I haven't had Starbucks for a while, it's our hang out😏'

'Felli😎: Yeah our secret hide out😉'

'Me: I wouldn't call it a secret hide out seeing as many people hang out there😂'

'Felli😎: but as a group it's our place😏 see you in half hour!'

I waltzed into the kitchen to see my brothers eating.

I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and greeted my brothers, "hey guys."
"Hey Han," they said in unison.
"Whatcha doing?"
"We're going football with the guys in a bit," Ahmed answered, "have you got any plans?"
"Felli asked me to meet them in Starbucks so I guess I have plans," I giggled.
"At least your busy," Saeed laughed.
"Is Adnan going to be there?" Asked Ahmed whilst he prepared to take a bite out of my apple but I swatted his hand away before he could even get a hold onto it.
"Um I guess so I mean he's always with the boys so."
"Hannah, I think we need a talk about Adnan," Saeed pulled me down from the hand to sit in the empty seat next to him.
Saeed sighed, "Hannah I can see this is still killing you inside."
"We've been talking and we think it would be best if you and Adnan cleared the air, it will be the best for both of you," Ahmed finished.
"When I look at you I can see how much he means to you and how much you love him, I can hear it in your voice."
"I've been to see him a few times and I know how much he loves you, he just messed up and he knows that."
"I know I messed up too, these past three weeks have been nothing but torture without him, my heart is breaking at every second and it breaks even more when I see him, I love him so much that words can't describe," I poured my feelings out to my brothers who were listening intently, "I guess I overreacted and I got completely jealous when I saw that girl all over him, it just hurt me," I explained.
"I know but relationships go through these things Hannah. Ariana and I have been through so much and so have Zara and Ahmed but we've all become stronger through this," Saeed said.
"Thanks guys," I hugged Saeed first as he was next to me and then hugged Ahmed before sprinting back upstairs to get ready.

Stepping out of my pyjamas, I slipped into a pair of cream skinny jeans and a knitted cream jumper and added a white headscarf to my outfit before placing my feet into a pair of white vans.

Saying goodbye to my brothers, I set off towards town.

I got to Starbucks quicker than usual today and checking the time on my phone, I was only a few minutes late because I was speaking to Ahmed and Saeed.

As I was walking in I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Paddy!" I giggled and turned around to hug him.
"Hey," he chuckled.
"Are you sad your girlfriend isn't here?" I teased him.
Jasmine was in Liverpool visiting family so she obviously couldn't make it.
"Yeah," he whined.

We walked in to be greeted by everyone else. I sat down next to Paddy and turned my head to see Adnan sat on the other side of me. He was looking directly at me. I gave him a small tight smile before whipping my head back to the other side.

"I'm surprised I remember all of these orders to be honest," Robin laughed.
"We've been ordering these since day one!" Ryan laughed.

Robin disappeared with Rojo and Blind to order the drinks.
"I thought I spent too much in Starbucks," I snickered.
"We'll make you spend more now," Mata stuck his tongue out to me.
"You guys aren't good for my health!" I protested whilst they all laughed.
"No brothers today then Han?" Ryan asked.
I shook my head, "their friends planned to play a match today so they're over one of the pitches," I informed.
"We've yet to play them," Paddy chuckled.

The drinks arrived a while after. A lovely mocha frappe for me.

"Do you guys need anything else?" A dark haired boy came over to our table.
"We're fine thank you," Jones smiled at the boy.
"What about the lovely lady?" He looked directly at me.
"I'm fine thank you," I sent him a small smile.
I could see Adnan glaring at the boy even when he walked away.

"He was so flirting with you," Robin snickered.
"No he wasn't!" I gasped but couldn't hold in my laughter.
"He so was!" Ryan winked.
"He looks like my cousin! I can't even!" I made a sick face at the guys which made them all laugh.
"Hannah's got an admirer," they started chanting.
"Guys shut up!" Adnan said loud and clear.
I heard some of the boys whisper 'touchy' but I knew they were only trying to wind him up even further.
"Hannah I need to speak to you," all eyes from around the table were on us right now.
I looked up at Adnan and knew that this is the talk we both needed so I got up from the chair and followed behind him.

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