Chapter 45

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The doorbell was ringing and I waited a while to see if one of my brothers would get up for it but the hallway remained silent so I untangled myself from Adnan's grip and quickly wrapped myself in a shawl that lay on my computer chair as the cold hit my bare arms.

Rubbing my eyes on the way down I thought of all the people that could be at our door this early.

"Hello Hannah," My mother greeted me.
"Hello Mama, Hello daddy," I greeted them as I stepped aside to let them.
"What are you doing here?" I didn't know my parents were going to be here, well I knew my dad was here yesterday but I didn't think he would stay.
"We're here to see our children, are we not allowed?" My mother teased.
"Of course you are," I laughed, "I mean I didn't know you were coming."

They usually informed us that they were coming so I was a bit confused as to why non of us knew unless one of the boys did but just forgot to mention it.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink?" I asked politely as they sat down in the front room.
"No thank you honey, we just stopped to have breakfast on the way over here," My mum informed me.
"Alright well you know where the kitchen is if you want anything," I giggled.

Saeed and Ahmed walked in a while after and greeted our parents.

"We didn't mean to wake you all up," My mum said looking embarrassed.
"No it's fine," Saeed chuckled.

Adnan walked in soon after looking hot as ever. Half of his hair was flat and flopping over the side whereas the other half was sticking up and there were a few strands which were out of place, his t-shirt looked crumpled because he most probably just picked it up from the chair and you could tell that his grey jogging bottom had just slipped completely down his left leg covering his bare skin and eyes had been rubbed as they looked half open and half shut.

"Assalamu alaykum," Adnan greeted my parents.
"Wa alaikuma salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu," My parents greeted back in sync.
"Sorry we didn't mean to wake you," My mum apologised to Adnan.
"It's okay," he laughed, "I was awake anyway."

The four of us sat down on the two couches. Me next to Saeed and Ahmed next to Adnan.

"I know we've just turned up out of the blue but we're here to spend time with you and Hannah we're here to go shopping," She grinned.
"Yesss, Can we go later?" I bubbled with excitement, it's been a while since my mum and I have been shopping together.
"Yes we are!" She was as excited as I was.

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