Chapter 60 - Finale

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Sleep hasn't taken over my body yet.

The whole night has consisted of crying my eyes out.

I can't leave everything that I have here; my friends and family. But I love Adnan and my heart belongs with him. URGH! This frustrated me even more and I continued to cry.

~Knock Knock~

"Go Away!" I sniffled.

Completely ignoring my response to their knocking, the door pushed open and in walked my mother.

"Honey," She started as she quickly rushed over to my side and got into bed with me, "It's okay," She cooed.

"I don't know what to do," My voice quiet but the tears still streamed down my cheeks.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel lost and confused. I gave Adnan the engagement ring back last night," I cried even harder remembering last nights events.

"Aw Hannah," My mum continued to rub my back, "Do you want to go with Adnan?"

"I don't know!" I cried out in frustration. "I love him and don't know what I would do without him but I can't just leave everything. I can't leave you guys. I have exams coming up and I have university to worry about."

"Hannah, listen to me-" we were interrupted by my father and brothers walking into my room and sitting around my bed. "- We love you so much, you're the reason we've become a better family. You've looked after your brothers, you've ensured that your father and I were okay, you've done more than enough for us. If Adnan is where your heart lies then honey that's where you need to be. And we'll always be right here waiting for you when you come back," She helped.

My father's voice came out next which surprised me a little bit. "Hannah, do you want to go to Paris with Adnan?"

"Yes but-"

"-Then no buts! You shall not worry about us anymore! It's your time to be happy and I know that Adnan makes you the happiest you can possibly be that's why I told him to marry you if he's serious because I didn't want to see you get your heartbroken by little boys who don't know anything but swag," his last comment made me giggle quietly. "Hannah, you go with Adnan. You're mother and I will always be here for you, we will be waiting and counting down every moment for when you are coming back-"

"As will we," Ahmed interjected.

"-We can't keep you here and I know that Adnan will look after you and keep you safe," My dad's voice was slightly trembling and that's when I noticed that he was preventing himself from crying.

"Hannah-" Ahmed started, "-I've never known anyone that can make you as happy as Adnan can. He does everything in his power to protect you, keep you happy and make you smile. I like the kid and you love him. Don't let anything here keep you from being with Adnan because you two are meant to be and we can all see that."

"We're going to miss you but we'll see you again soon, you can't get rid of us that easily," Saeed winked, "-Ahmed and I are only a phone call away, if you ever need anything you know you can call us even if it's 3am, I mean I'll be pissed off but I'll always answer," I laughed.

Then sudden realisation hit me, "but I have exams and university..." I trailed.

"You can come back and sit your exams and then fly back to Paris and as far as university is concerned we can arrange for you to do everything online," Ahmed replied to my query.

"I can do that?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah," He chuckled.

Silence took over for a while. I thought through everything over and over again but the question that kept popping up was, 'Are you ready to move to Paris?'. It may only be for a year but it was still a big move for me.

I spoke to my parents and brothers a bit more, thanked them for everything they have done for me and for helping me stand on my own two feet.

I thought over everything again a couple of more times before making my decision.

I have to speak to Adnan!

We headed straight for the airport as Ahmed told me that Adnan had already left his house. We split into two cars and set off for the airport. I was with Ahmed, Zara and my father whilst Saeed drove down with Ariana and our mother.

We arrived at the airport forty-five minutes later and I jumped out trying to seek Adnan out of all of these people. I couldn't see him. Was I too late?

A soft voice made me spin around and nearly caused me to lose my balance.


I turned around to see a tired looking Adnan. He looks as though he hasn't slept either, his hair was a mess and his eyes were almost bloodshot.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he moved closer, Gani and Abedin following behind with huge smiles on their faces.

Just as I was about to answer, Ahmed placed my suitcase next to me.

"I thought everything over, spoke to my family and came to a final decision. I was stupid for not thinking of this decision sooner and I was an idiot last night," A smile widened on his face. "I'm moving with you to Paris Adnan," I smiled.

He picked me up and twirled me around.

"I'm so glad," He smiled before placing me down and kissing me.

I hugged Gani and Abedin goodbye whilst Adnan hugged my family goodbye and then we swapped. I didn't want to let go.

"You look after her," My father pointed at Adnan but his voice was soft.

"I will," He smiled.

"Keep her happy," Ahmed and Saeed said at the same time.

"Have an adventure," Zara whispered to me as I pulled away from her.

"A crazy one," Ariana added and we had a little group hug.

"I love you girls," I smiled, "and keep my brothers happy."

"We love you," they said in sync and nodded to my last message.

I hugged my brothers once more before taking the handles of my suitcase and walked besides Adnan; waving goodbye to our family.

"Oh wait!" Adnan almost shouted as he came to a halt.

He reached into his pocket as I was about to ask 'what?' but was cut off when he gently pulled my hand up and that's when I realised that he was sliding my engagement ring back onto my finger.

"I believe that belongs to you," He grinned.

I smiled looking down at the ring. "I believe it does."

We waved goodbye one last time to our family before we disappeared through the doors of the airport.

Next stop Paris.

This is a new chapter in my life. A new chapter with Adnan.

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