Chapter 44

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Adnan and I were now in my room, laying on my bed.

"What did my dad say to you?"
"That's between me and him," he touched the tip of my nose.
"Fine," I sighed.
"You'll find out soon babe," he chuckled.
"What's that's supposed to mean?" I whined.
"That you'll find out soon," he laughed at my reaction.
"Did you do any revision?"
"Yes 4 hours and we got quite a lot done."
"Good I'm proud of you," he laughed and I just stuck my tongue out.
"Where is my dad?" I only just noticed that my dad hadn't come back with them and Ahmed hadn't returned either.
"Him and Ahmed are speaking," He rubbed my arm.
I breathed a quiet oh. I was quite worried about the whole situation now because Ahmed has a low temper especially when it comes to out dad.
"It'll be fine babe," he continued to rub my arm and it was actually soothing.
"Come on let's go down, I think Paddy's here now," I hauled us both up.

"Hey guys," Paddy greeted us as we entered the front room.
He was sat on the sofa with Jasmine in his lap and their heads resting against each other.

"Hey Paddy," I greeted him.
"Hey bro," Adnan and him bro hugged from the side.
"Let's play a game guys!" Jasmine got up quickly.
Laughing at her reaction I went over to the game cupboard where we kept all of our board games.
"What do you want to play?" I stood by the door like a host for a game show.
"Twister!!" She shouted which caused the boys to shut their ears.
"I wanna play twister!" Saeed said coming through the door.
"Come on then," Jasmine ushered him and Ariana in.

"Left hand on red Hannah," Ariana said.
Ariana was out so she was spinning the wheel and telling us where to move.
"Paddy move your leg!" I yelled as there was no way around Paddy's leg.
"How am I meant to do that?" Paddy shouted back.
"Wait I found a way!" My voice held excitement as I lowered my body a little bit so that my hand was able to slip under his lower leg and onto the red circle.

"See that wasn't hard was it?" Paddy glared. This boy gets so competitive.
"Shut up before I push you over," I glared back.
"Paddy move your left leg to green," Ariana told him.

I no longer had to suffer my hand being squashed underneath Paddy's leg as it was now far away from me.

"Saeed, left leg on blue," Saeed was in the process of moving his leg but was soon lying on his stomach.
"AND YOU'RE OUT!" Jasmine informed.
"Adnan put your right leg on red," As he moved his leg we found ourselves in an awkward situation, Adnan was now hovering over me.
"Don't you dare fall," I eyed him up because if he falls whilst he's hovering over me then he's going to take me down with him.
"I won't," He tried really hard to keep his laughter inside.
"Left leg on blue Jas."
Her leg was now underneath my back.
"Don't you dare drop Adnan," She glared at him.
"right hand on blue Han."
"This is becoming difficult," I laughed, moving my right hand next to the circle where Adnan's was.

A few seconds later and Jasmine collpased... well shes out.

"Left hand on green Paddy," This was becoming easier for Paddy as he was now in a space of his own.
"Right hand on green Adnan," and this situation just became a whole lot difficult.

Adnan's right hand was on my right side and the green circles were on my left side but more towards the end of the mat so it would be difficult to reach. He still gave it a go. His right hand was moved into various possible positions and just as he leaned over his hand slipped and my back met the ground.

There was laughter all around the room.

"Sorry baby," Adnan chuckled and kissed me.
"It's alright, I was getting tired of being in that position," I laughed.
"I like this position though," He winked and leaned back down to kiss me.
"GET A ROOM!" Saeed yelled making us move apart laughing.
"And Paddy is the winner," Ariana announced.
"Well done babe," Jasmine congratulated him as she knelt down besides him and placed her lips to his.
"GET A ROOM!" Saeed yelled to them too.
"Leave them alone!" Ariana defended for the four of us.
"That's my little sister and that is like my little sister," he pointed.
Ariana rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Get over it," She patted his shoulder and leaned in to kiss him.
"GET A ROOM!" The four of us yelled which made everyone laugh.

"Paddy I never knew you were so competitive," I commented.
"I always have been," He laughed, "Ever since I was little."
"You become so vicious," I chuckled.
"He's like a beast on the pitch," Adnan commented, winking at Paddy.
"Shut up Adnan," Paddy laughed as he threw a pillow at Adnan's face.
Adnan grabbed the pillow and placed it behind his head, "Thanks for the pillow bro."

These boys are funny.

"Guys shh, Jasmine's asleep," I whispered with my finger to my mouth.
Her head was laying on Paddy's shoulder and her arm was wrapped around his.
"Here," I chucked him a blanket to put over her.
He said thanks and started to open the blanket and place it around her, ensuring that she was warm.
"Do you want to put her in my bed?" I asked.
"No its fine plus if I put her in your bed she won't get up until the morning," He stifled a low chuckle, "She's coming back to mine tonight."
"That is true," I laughed. I don't know what it is but every time Jasmine falls asleep in my bed it's difficult to wake her up, "be good," I winked.
He winked back, "We will don't worry."
"You better be because I don't want her coming to me saying she's pregnant, she doesn't want babies until marriage," I notified him with a creepy stare but it all crumbled when I broke out laughing.
He rubbed the back of his head, "Don't worry Han," he laughed quietly.

Saeed and Ariana had gone out to eat leaving the four of us, well three of us seeing as Jasmine is asleep, to watch movies and we were currently watching Godzilla.

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