Chapter 38

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~Later that evening~

Adnan's head was laying in my lap and his body was outstretched across the floor. He didn't want to sit on the sofa because he's just a weirdo.

"What did your dad say about me?" He fiddled with my hands.

"He said he wants to speak to you," My voice came out quietly. Nervous wasn't even the word, it's the first time that Adnan and my dad will meet again.... the first time wasn't the greatest introduction so I'm nervous and I'm also beyond nervous for what my dad has to speak to him about. Apparently, Saeed has said that he will be there when they meet up just in case.

"Okay, when?" I think Adnan was nervous too.
"Sometime within this month I'm guessing," he nodded.
I held his hand firmly, "it'll be fine," I reassured him.
"What age do you want to get married at?" He randomly asked, our eyes locked.
"Um any age as long as it's before I'm thirty," I let out a low giggle, "you?"
"Same," he chuckled, "How many kids do you want?"
"3 but however many is written for me to have." He agreed.

After a few seconds he started fiddling with my hands again.
"Baby names?"
"Ummm, for a boy I really like Adam, I had Adnan in mind," I chuckled.
He laughed, "Adnan junior," winking he focused his attention back to my hands.
"Definitely," I giggled, "and for a girl i like Aliza, Aisha and Nadia. What names do you have in mind?"
"I love those names and funnily enough I also had Adam in mind and I really like Selina for a girl," his gaze flickered up towards my face.
"It's going to be tough," I winked.
"We can give them middle names," he laughed, "I can't wait to have children with you, it's one thing I'm looking most forward too," he smiled.
"You're telling me," I giggled, "I've wanted babies with you since I had a crush on you!" I emphasised.
"Good," he stuck his tongue out and then laughed.
"But like pregnancy just makes you fat and it can be complicated," I sighed, my eyes showing a sign of worry and Adnan squeezed my hands; no longer fiddling with them.
"Don't you worry about anything at all," he lifted his head up and placed a kiss underneath my chin. Oh gosh. A small moan escaped my mouth.
"I see you like that," winking at me, he placed another kiss there.
"Adnan stop," I moaned.
"You love it," he chuckled.
"I know and it's turning me on," I laughed.
"Oh I should place more then," wiggling his eyebrows he leaned up but the palm of my hand met his face and pushed his head back into my lap.
"You need to wait," I winked at him, hoping that he caught onto what I meant.
He smiled, "I can wait for you, I don't want to rush you into something you're not ready for, I'm not like that. We're in no rush," he leaned up and kissed my lips.
"Thank you," I blushed.

Bringing my hands up to his mouth, he placed small little kisses over the top of my hand and my palm.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked.
"Still the same but a bit better," I smiled.
"Some progress... I'm really worried about you Han," his hand now caressing my left cheek.
"Why?" I wondered.
"The way you are, something's not right, I can feel it."
I was going to make a sarcastic comment but decided to let it slide.
"I'm fine honestly it's just this cold," i sent him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand tightly.
"Promise me you'll tell me if you feel worse? Don't hide it away," His stare told me that we needed to speak to each other straight up about everything.
"I promise," nodding my head I intertwined our fingers, "Adnan promise me that we'll be honest to each other about everything from now on, no secrets and no hiding our thoughts," I finally said what I've been waiting to say.
"I promise, we need to be open with each other," he placed a kiss on my lips.
"We need to be open with each other but that doesn't mean we won't have arguments, as much as I hate the thought of it it's true because real couples argue and get through it together."
Wrapping his arm around my waist he pulled me into his lap, "I know, I'm prepared to fight for you, I'm not losing you again," he smiled down at me.
"I'm not losing you again," my fingers traced over his lips.
Adnan started laughing quietly.
"What?" I let out a slight laugh.
"You're phone's vibrating in your pocket and it tickles," he laughed.
Reaching for my pocket, I quickly apologised, "Sorry," I giggled.
He continued to laugh as I opened my iMessage.

'Saeed👓: Hey Han, dad wants to meet Adnan on Thursday."

I felt the nerves creep back up.

'Me: what time?'

'Saeed👓: 6pm'

'Me: okay! Thanks Saeed.'

'Saeed👓: no problem sis😘'

Putting my phone back into my pocket, I looked directly at Adnan, "Adnan... Um... My dad wants to see you on Thursday," I quickly looked away.
He quickly put two of his fingers under my chin and lifted my head straight back up, "hey, it'll be fine," he smiled.
"Are you not nervous?" The nerves flickering around my face.
"I am but it has to be done at some point," he held my hand in a firm grasp.
"Thank you for doing this," I breathed.
"Why are you thanking me?" He laughed, "I love you and the only way we can make sure there are no complications is for me to speak to your father," I nodded as he rubbed my shoulders in a relaxing manor.
"You're coming down to the match with us on Wednesday," he added in.
"I'd love too," I grinned.
"Paddy is also missing his best friend," he chuckled which made me giggle.
"Well his best friend is missing him," I laughed.

"Come on let's get into bed so we can be warm, comfortable and cuddle," he picked me up from his lap and headed straight to his bed.

Waiting on the wonderkidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon